Tee G. Peng wrote:

On Jun 18, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Robert O'Rourke wrote:

Hi Tee,
nice looking page! It doesn't get a vertical scroll bar though (firefox 2 latest)... could you attach the background image to the bottom of the main content area as opposed to a fixed position on the body? that way it would move up if the text size was reduced.

Thanks Rob.

I think for notebook users, vertical sroll bar will show . Moving photo to the container creates a small problem, with vertical scrolling, the tagline image jumps. I need to work out a precise calculation in pixel or change that big image to alpha PNG.

One other thing I noticed was when you hover the large links they change height slightly, looks nice but when you hover just on the edge you get some mad flickering. You could maintain the height by replacing the padding with a transparent border.

Ah yah! I was thinking to have a pseudo javascript transition effect :). Thanks for the tips!


All looking good now, just that fixed background to sort out. You either need to make that top banner into a png overlay to go over the photo of Wanda or simply remove the fixed declaration from the container background style. I think IE6 only respects background position fixed on the body element which I guess is why you had it there to begin with... In that case I think Jamie's solution is the one to go for, along with an alpha png top banner and the background fixed as you had it before.

Nice work =]


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