just wondering, any one able to give advice, help, tips, tricks and techniques.
now, failed my two visual design subjects in my web site design course.
and have to re-enroll for next semester.
the main problems i had was understanding layers in css, and how to use them in 
a website.
like, for example, a banner layer, conetn, navigation, use of colors, 
proximity,contrast etc.
and also when i found my images for the site was creating, the images were too 
big, and even though i used the width and height property in the html code, 
still was too big and dominating the content on the page.
also the color, was the wrong background and fore ground color.
and also, for my other subject page design and layout, any one got any good 
examples, or tips of how to do good design and page layout, and use of colors, 
on the page, but still got the css, layers problems, and not understanding of 
the different page design layouts.
and the same problem with the images, too big, and not able to edit or crop, 
using a graphics or photo editor program with jaws, without sighted help, which 
i have asked my disability officer, for some assistance.
also, for one of the subjects for next semester, will come up again, with the 
developing a commercial website, and how it looks, and functions.
and also, story boards, as not able to use a accessible drawing package, like 
Visio, to use with a screen reader.
so had to do it in word, and put tables, but still did not work out correct.
sorry for the long message, but had to explain myself, about design, 
positioning, colors, layout, etc.
if any one can help, e-mail me privately.
cheers Marvin.

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