
This is true, the C4 course in Web Technology or whatever it is called now
at TAFE NSW aims to give everyone a grounding knowledge in the fundementals
of well, web technology. This includes graphic design, database design,
server side coding, project management and many others.
Some people find they are good at all, although that's rare, and they take
this knowledge into being a good all rounder. Others find one topic that
interests them. That's the value of a course like that, although they might
not teach everything to top spec (at least they didn't in 2000).

The good tech teams have at least one person who can move and translate
across multiple disciplines - that in some cases is the only way the
specialists can communicate with each other.


On 7/12/07, Adeline Yaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I'm currently doing the same course as Marvin (different stage and
campus) and I don't think its a hinderance to be exposed to all sides of web
development. I don't think they want us (students) to become all-rounders
but to at least develop fundamental basics so if we are interested (eg.
databases or graphic side of the web) we can then move into specialised
fields or do further study eg. do a programming certificate (learning java
and c sharp) or database design/development or multimedia design...

 I'll be continuing my cert iv course in website design then moving into
the diploma course in website development (to learn more back-end languages
eg. ajax, php, mysql and asp.net) starting next year.

Seona Bellamy wrote:

The trouble is that if this is part of a university/college course, then
you don't get a choice. I mean, I knew what I wanted to specialise in, but I
had to do all sorts of things during my degree course just so I could get
that little piece of paper at the end. And while I technically didn't have
to do brilliantly at all of them (except for the sake of my academic pride!)
I did at least have to do well enough at all of them to pass.

Any sort of schooling tends to try and turn out all-rounders. If you want
to specialise, then do some independent study (certification courses, etc)
once you have your bit of paper. :) Or, during, if you're as impatient as I
am and can't be bothered waiting.


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