Daniel Kendrick wrote:
I am curious if there is a way to serve up different pages to returning visitors so its different than that of a first time visitor.

If PHP is an option, you can produce a different 'effect' by having an array and randomly selecting the content. At it's simplest level this can just be an image, like this:

                 $location = array (
array(location=>'Treyarnon Bay', image=>'treyarnon.jpg'),
array(location=>'Trevose Head', image=>'trevose.jpg'),
array(location=>'Padstow', image=>'padstow.jpg'),
array(location=>'Constantine bay', image=>'constantine.jpg'),
array(location=>'Showery Tor', image=>'showerytor.jpg'),
array(location=>'Bedruthan', image=>'bedruthan.jpg'),
array(location=>'Treyarnon Dusk', image=>'treyarnondusk.jpg'),
array(location=>'Carnewas', image=>'carnewas.jpg'),
                                        $row = (rand(0,($numlocations-1)));
echo "<img src=\"openingpage/graphics/".$location[$row]["image"] ."\" alt=\"\" /><p>".$location[$row]["location"]."</p>";


Or you can go completely over the top and have the array consisting of as many 'pages' as you like, selecting randomly as above. You can do the latter by linking to pages, by changing the CSS, etc etc.

It's not perfect of course, but it doesn't use cookies, it doesn't need JS, it's simple, and it's robust.



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