On Tue, 7 Aug 2007 12:01:04 +0100, David Dorward wrote:

> This would be the older generation who tend towards having poor eyesight and 
> needing
> larger font sizes?

Sorry, David,

Your comment makes me smile.

Being retired, I assist at a computer training lab where students of
all adult ages learn computer skills - web design; MS Office; 
Photoshop etc.

I use a 15" notebook with 1400 x 1050 resolution at home. The lab has
just installed 19" LCD monitors, native resolution 1280 x 1024. To me,
text on the lab computers looks huge by comparison.

Invariably, when I turn on my workstation, I find the monitor resolution
reset to a lower resolution by someone from the morning class. I also
observe that a significant number of students also reset their monitors
- some of them to 800 x 600. (!)

This phenomenon seems unrelated to age.

(FWIW - I am 71 1/2. And, yes, I need glasses.)


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