On 22/8/07 (12:12) [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>Are you serving up your hacked stylesheet to everyone, or just to those
>crippled by IE?
>The latter is far more acceptable than the former, in my opinion.

Just the victims of IE.

I'm of the opinion that hacks -- ie. workarounds exploiting browser bugs
and loopholes in css implementation -- are an inferior solution compared
to serving valid browser-specific css via conditional commenting, simply
because the bugs and loopholes can get fixed or closed at any time,
potentially breaking hack-based css. Cond.comments, on the other hand,
are an official M$-approved technique and as such should be around for
the foreseeable future.

But sometimes the CSS that needs to go into the Conditionally Commented
stylesheet isn't valid -- IE's filters being a prime example.

Rick Lecoat

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