> that people who author these links without the aid of server side
> scripting can develop this user experience easily. Anyone seen anything
> like that?

As it happens I offer an inexpensive script, divaPOP (both as a Dreamweaver Extension, and a Standalone script for everyone else) that does exactly that. It is an unobtrusive javascript that adds a pdf icon, right or left of the link, and opens the file in a popup window (which is my own preference since I personally lose websites all the time when I close a pdf file otherwise), all without having to add any hooks to the links at all.

Optionally it also adds an icon to external links signifying that they will open in a popup window as well.

It's available at http://www.divahtml.com/products/divaPOP/open_popup_windows.php

I am also about to release an update that will add an option to automatically add a rel="nofollow" attribute to the external links.


E. Michael Brandt

divaPOP : standards-compliant popup windows
divaGPS : you-are-here menu highlighting
divaFAQ : FAQ pages with pizazz

JustSo PictureWindow
JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia


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