Jason Pruim wrote:

On Dec 14, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Genesis One And One wrote:

I want another OS that works like Windoze but is better than Windoze. I wish Mozilla would develop one. Their products are already consumer friendly etc. Imagine a FFOS. I would imagine M$ poor customer support and glitchy software would warp forward. I'd imagine it would become superior. Because that's what a serious competitive market does to companies that want to compete and win.

Ummm... There already is... www.apple.com No virus's

Not quite true but quickly fixed: http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/security_response/weblog/2006/07/macinenterprise_mac_os_x_virus.html

, no spyware, no adware, the stability of unix at the core

I've heard good and bad about the stability of macs, especially since the move to intel chipsets.

, and the GUI of an easy to use interface. They also have great customer service both on the phone, and in person... I've dealt with both.

I think the reason OSX does well is because apple have complete control over the hardware, I can't remember who said it first but the fact is if microsoft built a microsoft computer specifically for running windows it would probably be at least as good as if not better than a mac. Macs aren't for people on a budget. A PC that is made up of components from umpteen different manufacturers can't really compete when it comes to the overal experience. Plus what's easier to support, a relatively small amount of Mac+OSX (which is a very well defined product) or the vast majority of PC users running Windows on god knows what?

Ubuntu is coming along nicely, good for all kinds of development at the very least. It also has the stability of unix.


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