I disagree. Why should I make fixes on my clents sites because ie8 doesn't work properly?

I won't, and what I know has nothing to do with it. MS says it would cost too much to change the engine. well, too bad, I'm not going to with my time fix their errors.
Good luck keeping clients with that attitude.

There's no point disagreeing with what MS are going to do. It will happen and IE8 _will_ be the most popular web browser. At least this time we have options and some standards adherence. If MS get the picture that 'standardistas' are never happy, they're not going to bother even trying to please us.


Bruce wrote:
"...Too much work for those that aren't in the know.

I disagree. Why should I make fixes on my clents sites because ie8 doesn't work properly?

I won't, and what I know has nothing to do with it. MS says it would cost too much to change the engine. well, too bad, I'm not going to with my time fix their errors.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Broadfoot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] This IE8 controversy

Chris Knowles wrote:
Chris Broadfoot wrote:
Chris Knowles wrote:
 > I don't see how opting-in to standards by adding a meta tag does
 > anything for me or anyone else. Except for Microsoft of course, by
> allowing them to do the right thing at last and create a decent browser > while at the same time not doing the right thing and ignoring the mess
 > they created.

I don't think they're ignoring the "mess" they created at all.. Is adding a meta tag really too much work to provide your users/visitors the viewing experience they should have?

Yeah actually I agree, they're not ignoring the mess. Just actively covering it up by enlisting yours and my support.

My users/visitors should get the right viewing experience by default, not by having to opt-in. On the contrary, if you wish your users/visitors to NOT get the right viewing experience, is opting-out by adding a meta tag really too much work?

Too much work for those that aren't in the know.


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