I agree.

I have rarely seen any course in web technologies that you couldn't get further for much less money with either a video tutorial from places like lynda.com or from good how to books from great publishers like new riders, friends of ed, o'reilleys, etc.

you can study at your own pace, replay and review difficult bits, skip over others, and the resource stays with you..

On May 27 2008, at 05:28, Jennie K wrote:

If you are not after accreditation try this website www.lynda.com - it's all online and you study at your own pace. I've recommended the training to numerous people and they have all said it is of good quality. You can try some of the free courses before committing - there are also books and cds if you don't like the online version.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 11:20 PM, Paul Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I hope this is on topic. I'm trying to find a short course on AJAX in
london and having troubles finding one that is of a reasonable price
(IE- less than £300 for a half day). Could anyone recommend me one or
possibly a good school to look into?

Thanks for any help,

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Joe Ortenzi

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