On 9/27/11 11:44 PM, Tom Livingston wrote:
David, with nothing but mobile Safari, if I hit a page with multiple queries or 
an element specced as display:none but has a bg image, how to you *verify* that 
an unwanted image loads anyway or not? There's no inspector that I'm aware of 
like desktop version.

Sent from my iPhone

With Android/2.2.2 [low-end touch screen] there is a horizontal yellow loading bar above the address bar-- it begins at the left rail and moves to the right rail. Opera Mobile and OperaMini on Android both have a circular whirling gizzmo loading button [same on a low-end SanyoMirro]. I had an iPhone several years ago but have forgotten what it used to display downloading. I am sure there is a more scientific method than watching[timing] the loading gizzmo-- just don't know what it is. And either way, I did not memorize Tee's page address, and don't have time to look it up, or I'd check that page on my handset...


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