Back again with this issue.


One of our engineers did some testing and here are his comments:


“The error occurs in the watir.rb file in the wait() method, around line 1470. The wait() method is called after the goto method has been issued and is waiting for all the frames in IE to show that they are ready. It is walking the list of frameset com objects when it reaches one object that does not understand the document call. This generates the error. It does not happen when I attempt to use watir to localhost. All the frameset objects provide a document.”


Bret, I am not sure how to go about “debugging” this further?  We are still struggling with this and cannot use WATIR unless we resolve this issue.  Your suggestion of using 'goto' the frame's url and then go from there cannot be implemented in our application since the same frame URL is used for different tabs and therefore cannot be differentiated enough for the “goto” statement to work.
I hope this makes sense.  Also launching many IEs is kind of messy and slows down the automation script which defeats the purpose of using WATIR.  Your help is appreciated.


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