On 5/10/07, Walter Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am very keen to have this done, but leeching isn't nice and I can't
> write C. If there is forward movement on win32guitest, I volunteer to do
> a document for it, either a user guide, or something in the style of
> this: http://www.piotrkaluski.com/files/winguitest/docs/winguitest.html

As the Official Cheerleader for GuiTest in Ruby:  go for it.

I think that there is useful stuff there, but Wayne Vucenic and I both
lost interest not long after Wayne wrote the code, and I'm not exactly
sure how far he got.   Someday I'll get back to it, but not anytime
soon.  I don't remember that there is a lot of C involved.  I think
it's mostly negotiating the Win32 interfaces.

Let me know if you need any privileged access.  I'm pretty sure I'm
still set up to make that happen.
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