I'm responding to an old thread -- catching up on my email. In this 
proposal (from March), Ethan provided a Jira ticket and code patches. 

My understanding is that this proposal can be summarized in two points.

1. Provide the same options to Filefield#set as currently exist for 
2. Change the API.

If this is correct, then i would like to consider the two parts of 
proposal separately. If not, i would like to know what else is being 


Ethan Jewett wrote:
> I think that the addition of the "click" to file_field.set in this
> change (see thread below) is causing one of my tests to hang during
> the @container.wait in the "click" method.  However, this problem
> didn't show up until after the changes to the wait functionality in
> mid-February.  Or so my theory goes . . .
> The fix, in my case, is to change the "click" to a "click!" in
> file_field.set, by-passing the @container.wait in the click method.  I
> suppose I could use a time-out technique instead.
> I can't provide a test case, unfortunately, because I don't have a
> handle on all the javascript eventing and fancy ajax-y reload in
> various frames that's going on in a generated SAP business server
> pages app.  I think this is a relatively well-known issue with
> ajax-like apps.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> Attached is a patch to the 1.5.1163 revision that illustrates the way
> I've modified watir.rb to allow me to specify wait behavior in the
> file_field.set method.  The "watir 1.5.1163 - no_wait option in
> file_field.set.patch" basically throws any extra arguments on
> file_field.set into an args_hash Hash.  The "set" method then checks
> for the :no_wait key and either "click"s or "click!"s based on that
> key.
> So,
> file_field.set(path)  results in a "click"
> file_field.set(path, :no_wait => false) results in a "click"
> file_field.set(path, :no_wait => true) results in a "click!"
> The upside here is that this doesn't change existing behavior.  The
> downside is that it is kind of a hack as it stands.
> I think that implementing this sort of functionality in a more general
> (and perhaps better thought-out) way would give a lot of flexibility
> to those of us dealing with ajax goodness to manually override wait
> functionality when necessary.  It might also be a reasonably standard
> way to allow granular control of other functionality on a method-call
> by method-call basis.
> Is this reasonable?  Has something like this been decided against in
> the past?  Is it too big a change for 1.5?  Thoughts on problems?
> Improvements?  Maybe using :wait => false instead of :no_wait => true
> would be more intuitive?
> I don't think this patch is ready to go into the code-base as it
> stands, even if people think it is a reasonable approach, but I'll
> submit a Jira ticket once I have something that I think will work.
> Thanks,
> Ethan
> On 1/10/07, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> John Lolis wrote:
>> > I registered AutoItX3.dll using regsvr32 and it got rid of the 
>> error message, the problem now is it doesn't fill in the field with 
>> any text. I can flash it, so i know I have the right field - I just 
>> can't put anything in there.
>> >
>> > any more ideas?
>> >
>> Today I checked in fixes for both this and the other problem (autoit
>> registration). These are NOT in today's dev gem, but will be in the next
>> one. You can pull them from trunk if you like.
>> A workaround for this problem  for earlier versions of 1.5 is this:
>> 1. Manually register autoit:
>>      >regsvr32 AutoItX3.dll
>> 2. Add a call to click:
>>     ie.file_field(:id, 
>> 'DriverFileUpload_DriverFileUpload').set(filename)
>>     ie.file_field(:id, 'DriverFileUpload_DriverFileUpload').click
>> Please let us know if either of these solutions does not fix this
>> problem for anyone.
>> Bret
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