What version of Ruby should we recommend?

After a recent discussion we agreed that the rdoc (readme.rb) should read:

   Best is to use Ruby 1.8.2-14 or later.
   However, if you are using the Watir::IE#modal_dialog method, you must 
use Ruby 1.8.2-14 and not a more recent version.
   Watir (in general) will not work with Ruby 1.8.1-13. (This version of 
Ruby has a bad WIN32OLE library.)

I revised this recommendation to this thus in the new (unpublished) website:

    First you need to "install
    Ruby":http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=167 using
    the one-click installer for Windows.
    *We recommend Ruby 1.8.2-14 or later.*

    However, if you wish to use Watir's support for the *IE web modal
    then you "must use Ruby
    and not a more recent version. This dialog is
    posted with the showModalDialog() JavaScript command and is
    supported with Watir's
    ie.modal_dialog command.

However, the wiki page for installing recommends 1.8.2-14 for everyone.

I was surprised when i found this and started a discussion with Zeljko 
on the page, but thought the issue might be of more general interest.

Personally, i think that people should be using the latest generally 
available version of Ruby. There continue to be improvements with it. 
For example I recently reported several Ruby bugs that interfered with 
integrating Watir with Cruise Control. 
http://www.io.com/~wazmo/blog/archives/2007_04.html. At this point, we 
see problems in both 1.8.5 and 1.8.6, but expect that 1.8.7 will have 
these problems fixed and will be encouraging a move there when it happens.

Should our recommendation for newer versions of Ruby be more emphatic?

Another question regards the modal dialog support. I don't know if the 
community understands that at this point i am abandoning this 
functionality. I would love to see someone take it over and make it so 
that it was dependent on a specific version of Ruby. But i don't expect 
that to happen. But we can't allow this to say that all users should 
stick with 1.8.2 until the end of time.

For example, rubygems in 1.8.2 does not support the --install-depencies 
argument, which makes installing via gem much more complicated (esp. 
when i publish the gem to rubyforge.org). So once this is done, i will 
probably be telling people NOT to use 1.8.2, because i think it is more 
important to make our install instructions simple. We can have alternate 
instructions for the people who need the modal_dialog support.

I'd appreciate your thoughts and questions.


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