Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 3, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


Special to Workers World

With just one month to go before the Oct. 26 march on 
Washington, organizing is kicking into high gear across the 
country. As one of the march's initiators, the International 
ANSWER coalition--Act Now to Stop War and End Racism--is 
reaching out to anti-war, peace and civil-rights 
organizations to build the broadest possible demonstration 
to "Stop the War on Iraq Before It Starts."

"Despite the Iraqi government's agreement to accept 
unconditional UN weapons inspections, the Bush 
administration and the Pentagon are moving full-speed ahead 
with their plans to invade Iraq in defiance of the whole 
world," said Brian Becker, a spokesperson for ANSWER.

"It is critical at this juncture for all who oppose a new 
war against Iraq to come together to mobilize the greatest 
possible expression of anti-war sentiment in the United 
States," Becker continued.

"We urge everyone who agrees with the demand to 'stop the 
war before it starts' to join us in making Oct. 26 a massive 
outpouring the White House can't ignore."

A West Coast regional demonstration is also planned for Oct. 
26 in San Francisco.

A delegation from the International Action Center, one of 
several groups that make up the ANSWER coalition steering 
committee, participated in a Sept. 17-19 anti-war conference 
in Baghdad, Iraq. At the conference, attended by delegates 
from over 80 countries, they announced plans for the Oct. 26 
march and urged activists in other countries to make it an 
international day of protest.

So far, demonstrations are planned in Belgium, Denmark, 
Germany, the Netherlands, south Korea, Spain and more.

More than 2,300 organizations and prominent individuals have 
endorsed the Oct. 26 mobilization, according to Sarah Sloan 
of ANSWER. Dozens more add their names every day.

Sloan told Workers World that Oct. 26 sponsors include: 
Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation; National Lawyers 
Guild; San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO); 1199/SEIU 
health care workers union; New York City Labor Against the 
War; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Student Liberation Action 
Movement (SLAM); Black Voices for Peace; Not In Our 
Name/Pledge of Resistance; Los Alamos Study Group; and 
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.

Also: former UN Oil for Food Program Director Dr. Hans von 
Sponeck; former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Bishop 
Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit; the Rev. Graylan Hagler, 
Plymouth Congregational Church in D.C.; political prisoner 
Mumia Abu-Jamal; historian Howard Zinn; Kathy Kelly, Voices 
in the Wilderness; and Dr. Helen Caldicott, founder of 
Physicians for Social Responsibility.

The ANSWER coalition steering committee includes: 
Partnership for Civil Justice-Legal Defense and Education 
Fund, IFCO/Pastors for Peace, Free Palestine Alliance, 
Mexico Solidarity Network, Nicara gua Network, Korea Truth 
Commission, International Action Center, Kensington Welfare 
Rights Union, Middle East Children's Alliance, Muslim 
Student Association and Bayan USA-International.

"We are getting phone calls, emails and letters from people 
all over the country who are planning to bring buses to 
D.C.," Sloan added. "But we need more."

Bev Heistand of the IAC chapter in Buffalo, N.Y., said there 
is great enthusiasm for the Washington anti-war protest in 
Western New York. "We've already reserved two buses," she 
told WW.

The groups building for the Oct. 26 march are also 
supporting many anti-war activities around the country 
leading up to that date. This includes the National Day of 
Protest for Palestine. Major actions are planned Sept. 28 in 
San Francisco and Sept. 29 in Chicago, along with other 

Organizers will join a Sept. 29 "March Against War" in 
Washington, D.C., sponsored by several peace and justice 
organizations. The march is one of many protests planned to 
coincide with the annual meeting of the International 
Monetary Fund and World Bank in late September and early 
October. They will also participate in the Oct. 6 "Not In 
Our Name" rally at New York's Central Park.

For more information--including how to endorse, get a 
speaker, organize transportation, or make a tax-deductible 
donation--readers can visit ANSWER's Web site at 
www.internationalanswer.org or e-mail 

In New York, call (212) 633-6646; Wash ington (202) 332-
5757; Chicago (773) 878-0166; Los Angeles (213) 487-2368; 
San Francisco (415) 821-6545. 

- END -

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