Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 3, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Sara Flounders

Workers World Party was trained to be combative in the face 
of an imperialist war, to stand with whoever is under 
attack. We make no attempt at conciliation on the 
fundamental issues--even as we try to build the broadest 
possible unity in mobilizing opposition to the war. We want 
to work with all possible forces opposing this war, even 
when we have differences.

Bush has an enormous problem that he is trying to cover over 
with the most bellicose threats. He has weapons of mass 
destruction, but his political support is thin, apprehensive 
and suspicious. Among the masses of people, there is already 
deep suspicion.

Wars radicalize whole sections of the population overnight. 
The ugly face of the capitalist drive for markets is 
exposed. The veneer of democracy and legality is ripped off.

Why is the mass anti-war demonstration called for Oct. 26 so 
important? It is an action in coordination with many 
political forces who want to resist. It is a living 
coalition that is growing by the hour.

We are committed to its success because the first action of 
mass opposition to an unfolding war defines the movement. It 
shapes what comes after--what role the oppressed and working 
class organizations will play.

In countless interviews with the mass media, we have helped 
to cut through the war propaganda with class-conscious 
politics, explaining who benefits from the war and who pays.

The same political currents that divided the movement 
against the Iraq war in 1991 and artificially injected the 
slogan, "Sanctions, not war" are now raising the slogan 
"Inspections, not war."

Both of these slogans imply that Washington and Wall Street 
have legitimate interests, have the right to intervene. They 
disorient the movement. They put demands and pressure on the 
oppressed nation under attack and imply that the 
intransigence is on their part.

Support for sanctions has proven to be support for the right 
of U.S. imperialism to starve a whole people. It is the most 
brutal form of war.

Inspections are war, too. They allow an invading army to 
reach into a country and claim the right to blow up 
industries, cut off all technology in the name of searching 
for weapons of mass destruction.

The new U.S. demand for more "muscular inspections" or 
"coercive inspections" is a cynical war plan developed by 
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. It is a plan 
to include U.S. tanks, jets and armored units with the 
inspectors. It would impose no-drive zones along with the 
present no-fly zones. It would cut off whole sections of 
Iraq, carve it into pieces and destroy at will, all in the 
name of looking for weapons of mass destruction. Any 
resistance would be met with bombardment.

Iraq would be required to pay for this occupation with funds 
from the "Oil for Food" program. It is the end of all 
sovereignty. This is the plan Bush wants to introduce in a 
new UN resolution.

Bush has made a declaration of war on the peoples of the 
entire world. No country, no government can risk military 
confrontation with the U.S. Even small socialist countries 
are trying to avoid direct threat. They may have to make 
onerous political and economic concessions in order to 

Our challenge is to help shape the resistance, to expose the 
lies and to mobilize opposition.

No secret conspiracy can succeed. Only mass mobilization of 
millions in the streets in determined opposition can stop 
this war. Millions who are conscious that their own 
interests are directly opposed to the war makers. 
Consciousness is a weapon.

We have cadre who are tenant or union organizers, who 
struggle for women's rights, lesbian and gay rights, 
prisoners' rights, are organizers against the death penalty, 
student organizers. Everyone who has worked on any campaign 
has an urgent role to play right now in mobilizing our 

Our party is trained for a crisis. Even a small group can 
give leadership at the most difficult junctures. That is 
what a Leninist party is capable of because it is the 
concentrated experience of our class, armed with a 
scientific outlook. It is an organized force that sees 
clearly the cause of the war crisis and understands what 
must be done.

We know what this war is and what this new, more aggressive 
stage of decaying imperialism will mean for our class. We 
also know how to mobilize, how to get resolutions, buses, 
make calls, set up outreach.

This is the struggle Workers World Party was born to fight.

[Flounders is a Secretariat member of Workers World Party.] 

- END -

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