Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Bill Hackwell
Oakland, Calif.

On 24 hours' notice, over 500 people came to the port of 
Oakland on Oct. 5 to show their support for the 
International Longshore & Warehouse Workers Union in its 
struggle with the Pacific Maritime Association.

This pivotal battle in the war at home against the Bush 
administration has drawn national attention as the PMA 
lockout goes into its second week. Picket lines preventing 
any goods from crossing into the ports continue on a 24-hour 
basis at the entrance to every berth at every port on the 
West Coast.

Despite reports in the corporate media weighted in its 
favor, the PMA is becoming more and more exposed for the 
union-busting greed behind its lockout of the port workers. 
In one recent negotiating session with the ILWU, the PMA 
showed up with gun-toting security guards. Union leaders 
walked out, saying they would not negotiate with guns in the 

At the rally, speaker after speaker condemned the threats 
coming from the Bush administration. Trent Green, a business 
agent for ILWU Local 10, referred to PMA head Joseph Miniace 
as "a terrorist because he is attacking our jobs."

Clarence Thomas, ILWU Local 10 secretary-treasurer, said the 
union was fed up with the lack of respect the workers get. 
Referring to background checks that the Bush administration 
is trying to get as a requirement to work on the docks, he 
asked, "If a terrorist attack happened on the docks, who 
would be the ones killed and injured? It would be us."


On another front, informational leafleting at selected 
companies in the West Coast Waterfront Coalition has 
produced its first victory. Payless Shoes has withdrawn from 
the coalition because of the pressure it was getting from 
its customers, who had mailed in cards saying that they had 
shopped there and that they support the ILWU.

A number of organizations that did the leafleting, including 
the anti-war coalition ANSWER, have now turned their 
attention to The Gap. One Payless store in downtown San 
Francisco was so anxious to deflect attention from its anti-
labor activity that it put an "I support the port workers" 
sign in its window, with an arrow showing that the 
leafleting had moved to The Gap down the street.

The justification cited by the PMA to lock out the port 
workers in the first place was that they were working to the 
rules and safety guidelines agreed upon in the expired 
contract. These guidelines act as a brake against the bosses 
speeding up work.

In the last six months, five port workers have been killed 
on West Coast docks. Why are the bosses now construing 
safety as a crime? For the workers it is a life-and-death 

The Bush administration is preparing to invoke the Taft-
Hartley law, which would allow a three-person panel 
appointed by the government to determine the speed of the 
work on the docks. With the bays up and down the West Coast 
looking like container ship parking lots, there will be a 
lot of pressure on the ILWU workers to unload them fast.

This panel, made up of two college labor professors and 
former Reagan Labor Secretary Bill Brock, will be no friend 
to the ILWU.

On hearing that Bush had ignored a union offer to go back to 
work under the old contract for 30 days, invoking Taft-
Hartley proceedings instead, ILWU Local 10 president Richard 
Mead said, "This is what the PMA wanted all along. They 
didn't bargain in good faith and they held the economy 
hostage to force the Bush administration to intervene on 
their behalf."

- END -

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