Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Rebeca Toledo

[Excerpts from a talk at the Sept. 21-22 Workers World Party 

The April 11 coup orchestrated by U.S. imperialism and 
carried out by the ruling-class elite and generals in 
Venezuela was the first real test of the three-year-old 
Bolivarian revolution.

The golpistas patted themselves on the backs as they took 
President Hugo Chavez host age; they lied and claimed he had 
resigned; they dissolved the Constitution, took Bolivarian 
out of the name of the Republic; they dissolved the National 
Assembly and vowed that "not one drop of oil" would go to 
Cuba. The media were on their side, as were the Catholic 
Church and the United States. They hunted down Chavistas, 
torturing and killing several.

Were the masses organized to defend themselves? Their 
emails, cell phones, community radio and TV, and word of 
mouth got out the truth about the coup--and thousands of 
people poured into the streets.

Rank-and-file and middle-ranking military personnel declared 
themselves with Chavez. The Bolivarian Circles were 
instrumental in organizing this resistance and beating back 
the coup.

Forty-eight hours later, Chavez was back in power and the 
golpistas went running for cover.

But now, almost six months later, pressure from the right is 
relentless. The media, banks, private industries, including 
the state petroleum company, remain in the hands of the 
ruling class who are puppets of the International Monetary 
Fund, World Bank and U.S. imperialism.

The military remains split, as are the police. The 
government is strapped for cash and resources. The elite 
continue to call for the ouster of Chavez. A paramilitary 
group modeled after and organized by the AUC--the right-wing 
paramilitaries--in Colombia is operating in Venezuela.

In a terrorist bombing at the home of a Chavista 
congresswoman two weeks ago, the AUC dropped leaflets that 
read: "No to the guerrillas! No to the Bolivarian Circles! 
Yes to social cleansing."

Hugo Chavez was elected in a landslide in 1998. It was the 
result of an alliance of his military ties, his party and 
the parties of the working class and the left.

His government immediately called for dismantling the 
political power base of the rich oligarchy.

A new Constitution and National Assembly were created based 
on mass participation and progressive ideas like equal 
rights for lesbians and gays. In foreign policy, Chavez was 
the first head of state to meet with Iraqi President Saddam 

Chavez encourages an independent Oil Petroleum Exporting 
Countries organization. He embraced Cuba and sold oil to it. 
Last November, Chavez signed a package of 49 laws aimed at 
land reform and restrictions on the ruling elite's power.

The question remains, however: Will the working-class 
organizations be able to defend this revolutionary process? 
The Bolivarian Circles are targeted by the oligarchy and 
paramilitary. Formed in 2000, they are the organized people 
in the neighborhoods, towns and cities. They organize 
community-based work like building housing and promoting 
political education, food programs, sports, culture, etc. 
They are an embryo of an armed organization of the masses.

Since the coup attempt, the Bolivarian Circles have more 
than tripled to 150,000. That amounts to over a million 
people organized in the circles.

The revolutionary process in Venezuela is a living, 
breathing struggle. The workers and peasants are in motion. 
They have gained much confidence since beating back the coup 
attempt. And we are confident that they will continue to 
grow stronger. We must defend the Bolivarian revolution 
against ongoing imperialist threats.

- END -

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