Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Leslie Feinberg

Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal have put out the call: "All 
out to support the world-renowned death row political 
prisoner" on Nov. 2.

The Nov. 2 event will rally in front of Philadelphia's City 
Hall at 15th and Market streets beginning at 11 a.m. 
Organizers of the event stress that both candidates on the 
hustings for governor of Pennsylvania--Democrat Ed Rendell 
and Republican Mike Fisher--are running anti-Mumia 

Neither mentions the evidence that Abu-Jamal did not shoot 
Officer Daniel Faulkner, including a confession by former 
contract killer Arnold Beverly that he killed the white 
police officer in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, 1981.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is still on Pennsylvania's death row.

Last November, Common Pleas Judge Pamela Dembe turned down 
an appeal by Abu-Jamal's lawyers to grant a hearing to allow 
long-suppressed evidence, including Beverly's videotaped 
admission, to be aired.

On Aug. 27, Abu-Jamal's legal team filed an appeal of her 
ruling. They compared it to the infamous Dred Scott decision 
by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1846, which stated that a Black 
man has no rights that a white man has to respect.

In the call for the Nov. 2 protest, organizers say, "There 
has been a corporate media blockade of any news relating to 
Mumia's case or to Mumia himself. Even his commentaries have 
been banned and censored. Now, more than ever, we must 
support Mumia Abu-Jamal, a leading antiwar voice, a victim 
of government repression, a leading fighter for justice and 

Pam Africa, International Concerned Family & Friends of 
Mumia, and a French solidarity delegation including activist 
Julia Wright will attend the international day of protest to 
demand that the evidence be heard and that Abu-Jamal be 
immediately released.

For more information on this event, contact ICFFMAJ at (215) 
476-8812 or the Philadelphia International Action Center at 
(215) 724-1618.

- END -

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