Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


At a large meeting on Oct. 2, the Albany Central Federation 
of Labor, AFL-CIO, adopted the following
resolution opposing a war on Iraq:

"Whereas, now the Bush Administration is beating the drums 
for a new war against Iraq, despite mounting opposition to 
this war at home and abroad; and

"Whereas, wasting billions of dollars (estimated at as much 
as $200 billion by Bush economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey) 
on the Iraq war buildup translates into cutbacks of 
essential and job-producing social programs at home such as 
education, health care, social security and housing, and 
threatening the rights of labor to strike and organize; and

"Whereas, the Bush administration's war drive has a domestic 
component threatening to turn his 'endless war' against the 
International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and as an 
opening wedge against the entire labor movement, by 
threatening government intervention on the West Coast docks 
under the guise of 'Homeland Security,' on the side of the 
Pacific Maritime Association bosses and a coalition of anti-
union corporate interests including Wal-Mart and The Gap; 
therefore be it

"Resolved, that the Albany Central Federation of Labor join 
the growing movement in opposition to any U.S. war against 
Iraq, and call on the unions and AFL-CIO at all levels and 
congressional representatives to publicly oppose this war; 
and be it further

"Resolved, that the Albany Central Federation of Labor 
endorse 'Stop-the-War' rallies including the International 
Day of Protest on Oct. 26, 2002, in Washington, D.C., and 
other cities. We will send this resolution to our two 
senators and area Congress representatives."

- END -

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