Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Imani Henry
New York

On Oct. 5, just a stone's throw away from the historic 
Stonewall Inn, 350 young people participated in a rally, 
march and street festival of resistance against so-called 
quality of life laws.

The event was sponsored by FIERCE!, which describes itself 
as a community organizing project for lesbian, gay, bi, two-
spirit and trans (LGBTST) youth." FIERCE! launched the Save 
Our Space campaign in 2000.

"A staggering 35 percent of New York's 22,000 homeless youth 
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirit. 
These youth and many more call the West Village home, and it 
has been taken from us," explained Mervyn Marcano, a youth 
organizer with FIERCE! "We face constant threats of violence 
from police and residents. We are here to say 'No' to this 
harassment, and reclaim this space as a public space for 

FIERCE's Save Our Space campaign has gained grassroots and 
community support. Its goal is to dismantle quality-of-life 
policies, such as a 1:00 a.m. curfew on the Hudson River 
piers off the West Village. These policies have resulted in 
racial and gender profiling, vigilantism by West Village 
residents, and false arrests of queer youth of color.

The day began at 1 p.m. with personal narratives from adult 
speakers, including LGBT activists Bob Kolber and Leslie 
Feinberg. Non-LGBT adult activists and organizations took 
shifts on security and logistics in solidarity with the 
youth. A multinational and politically diverse group worked 
together, including the NY Free Mumia Coalition, ACT-UP and 
South Asian and Palestinian movements.

After a spirited march, a festival began at 5 p.m. at 
Christopher and Weehawken streets that included graffiti 
"battles" and an "Open Mic," a drag show and dance party. 
Free food and safer-sex kits were given away.

Poets and singers then took center stage, including 
playwright Renita Martin and award-winning poet Letta Neely, 
who traveled from Boston to show her support for the youth.

A problem with the sound equipment appeared to cancel out a 
dance party after the speak-out, to the disappointment of 
the youth and adult organizers. But just as the DJ was 
almost done putting away his equipment, Mark Remington, a 
manager at a local gay bar, ran down the street carrying 
sound equipment and speakers. With little fanfare, he set it 

For the last two years, Remington, a white gay man, has 
defended the rights of LGBT youth of color from harassment 
by residents and police brutality. His club, Chi Chi, has 
also been under attack by a group called Residents in 
Distress--whose acronym, RID, makes clear their racist 
attitude--and by the police because its bar caters to gay 
men of color.

Organizers had secured sound permits until 9:00 p.m., but 
the NYPD forced them to shut down the event early, as more 
young people began to gather.

The action showed the growing militancy of these youth and 
their supporters. More actions are planned in the coming 

"Youth in the West Village need more services. We don't need 
to be criminalized for our gender expression or race," says 
Laura Melendez. "Real solutions need to be in place to solve 
problems. We need jobs for transgender youth, affordable 
housing for homeless queer youth, and access to public 
space. Now that the piers are gone, LGBTST youth have 
nowhere to go where they are safe, but we will continue to 
fight for our space."

For more information, call FIERCE! at (646) 336-6789, ext. 

- END -

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