Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 24, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

Organizers at the ANSWER coalition office in New York tell 
Workers World they are encouraged by what spokesperson 
Teresa Gutierrez calls the "tremendous international support 
for the Oct. 26 March on Washington to Stop the War on Iraq 
Before It Starts."

ANSWER, which stands for Act Now to Stop War and End 
originally called the Oct. 26 actions in Washington and San 
Francisco along with several other prominent antiwar voices. 
The call to protest has now broadened to nearly all U.S. 
anti-war groups, and others.

The original, emailed international call was reinforced when 
representatives of the U.S. movement, including Gutierrez, 
Larry Holmes and Khadouri al-Kaysi, participated in an 
international solidarity meeting in Baghdad in mid-

As of Oct. 14, major demonstrations have been called in at 
least nine countries--to coincide or otherwise work in 
tandem with the U.S. demonstrations and show joint 
solidarity with the Iraqi people. Worldwide, anti-
imperialists want to encourage the growth of a strong U.S. 
anti-war movement, says Gutierrez.

In Puerto Rico, groups that are pro-independence and those 
who want to stop the U.S. Navy's use of the island of 
Vieques as a bomb-testing site have called for an Oct. 26 
action in San Juan.

In Japan, the movement plans to use its traditional anti-war 
day of Oct. 21 to organize demonstrations in connection with 
the U.S. initiatives. On that day there will be 
demonstrations in six major cities--Tokyo, Osaka, Sendai, 
Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and Okinawa-- to oppose U.S. aggression 
against Iraq.

There will be anti-imperialist protests in India. In south 
Korea, groups that organized the Korea Truth Commission 
tribunals have called for regional protests against U.S. 
military action in Iraq.

Anti-imperialist groups in Italy have joined with 
Palestinians living in that country to call for a national 
demonstration in Rome on Oct. 26. They will demand no war on 
Iraq and solidarity with Palestine. Vast crowds, which some 
estimated at 1.5 million, demonstrated in 120 Italian cities 
in early October.

German anti-war groups met in Kassel Sept. 28-29 to call 
regional demonstrations for all major cities on Oct. 26. The 
biggest action should be in Berlin, the capital.

Denmark's anti-war movement was one of the first outside the 
United States to call a national march. It will be in 
Copenhagen on Oct. 26 to "Stop the War on Terror." In the 
Netherlands, people will join either a national 
demonstration in Amsterdam or a local one in Rotterdam on 

In Madrid, Spain, since the preferred day for demonstrations 
is Sunday, the main demonstration to "Stop the War on Iraq 
Before It Starts" has been called for Oct. 27. Then, on Nov. 
16-17, the Spain-based Committee in Solidarity with the Arab 
Cause will hold a conference, to which Ramsey Clark and 
other representatives of the International Action Center and 
ANSWER are invited.

A Peace Race organized by young people of the Workers Party 
of Belgium is planned for Oct. 26. A coalition has also 
called for a national demonstration in Belgium on Nov. 10 in 
solidarity with the Washington and San Francisco actions.

Also in Brussels on Oct. 26, the Anti-Imperialist Camp will 
protest at the headquarters of the European Union to oppose 
the EU's decision to put revolutionary organizations and 
organizations fighting for national liberation--like Herri 
Batasuna in the Basque Country and the Communist Party of 
the Philippines--on a list of "terrorist" groups.

On Oct. 12 there were demonstrations in 30 cities in France. 
Tens of thousands of people took part.

In Britain, where the Blair regime threatens to send troops 
to participate in a U.S.-led war against Iraq, 250,000-
350,000 marched in protest in London on Sept. 28. On Oct. 31 
the British anti-war movement will move from dissent to 
resistance, as demonstrators gather in city centers to stop 

- END -

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