Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 24, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


Special to Workers World
Brussels, Belgium

"Free the Five, Stop the War" was the clarion call at a
daylong conference for Cuba in the capital of Belgium.
Iniciativa Cuba Socialista (Cuba Socialist Initiative), a
Belgian non-governmental organization, organized the
conference. It drew 1,000 people, with broad participation
by youths and unionists as well as members of Cuba
solidarity groups from Germany, France, the Netherlands and
Latin America.

One of the keynote speakers was Harry "Pombo" Villegas, the
Cuban revolutionary who fought alongside Che Guevara in
battles from the Sierra Maestra to Bolivia. Also featured:
Rodolfo Dávalos of the Law School of the University of
Havana, who works on the legal struggle of the Cuban Five;
Katrien DeMuynck, coordinator of the Belgian Free the Five
Committee; and Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the U.S.
National Committee to Free the Five Cuban Political

Beautiful wall-sized political art with a Cuban
revolutionary theme, produced by young artists of the
sponsoring organization, adorned the halls at Saint Louis
University. Iniciativa Cuba Socialista holds this annual
conference in homage to Che Guevara, who was captured by the
Bolivian army on Oct. 8, 1967, and murdered the next day on
orders from the CIA.

The U.S. imperialists wanted to eliminate Che Guevara, who
by his example in the Cuban Revolution and support for
people's struggles in Latin America, Africa and Asia, was
inspiring many to act against imperialism. Instead, Che has
become an even greater symbol and inspiration for all
oppressed peoples struggling for liberation.

Several workshops were held during the day. A cultural-
political forum took place at night.


In the workshop on the Cuban Five, Rodolfo Davalos described
how the U.S. prosecuted the five political prisoners because
they defended Cuba.

The Cuban Five, he said, "are five young men: a pilot, an
engineer, an economist, two who graduated from diplomatic
school. Two of them are U.S. citizens. What did they do?
They penetrated counter-revolutionary terrorist
organizations in Miami. Their work was not to learn any
military information of the U.S., as the U.S. claims. It was
simply to learn the plans of the terrorists: When would they
plant bombs, when would they try to assassinate?

"Cuba has suffered terrorist attacks for more than 40 years.
Not just the Bay of Pigs invasion, nor the nuclear danger of
the Cuban Missile Crisis, not just the bombing of the Cubana
flight in 1976 or the hemorrhagic dengue biological attack.
It goes on even today."

While in Belgium, Davalos spoke to progressive lawyers'
associations on the case of the Five. He reported that the
attorneys responded with a willingness to "do whatever is
necessary to raise international legal support" for the
appeals and their freedom.


The conference room in which Harry "Pombo" Villegas spoke
was packed with admirers who wanted to hear of his
experiences as a guerrilla fighter in Cuba's Revolution and
as a fellow combatant with Che in the Congo and Bolivia.
Villegas began his life in the struggle at 14, soon after
the 1952 coup by U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. He
became involved in the urban underground movement and joined
the guerrillas in the Sierra Maestra.

In a Brussels interview with Workers World, he said of Che:
"He was an extraordinarily humane person, extraordinarily
just, with a great sense of honor, sensitivity and
responsibility. In his military activity and character, he
was a very disciplined man, very demanding and brave. He
lived the principle of not demanding of his soldiers what he
himself was not capable of undertaking.

"This gave him a great authority among the guerrilla troops,
which assured that his men followed him with absolute
confidence," he said.

The evening forum on the five Cuban heroes was marked by
poetry by Antonio Guerrero--one of the Cuban Five, along
with inspiring music, a video on their case, and talks by
DeMuynck, Villegas and La Riva.


Katrien DeMuynck said the five Cuban political prisoners
held in the United States are the heroes of the current era,
following in the example of Che's sacrifice and love for
humanity. She said: "Cuba has the right to protect itself
against terror. With that goal some courageous young men
risked their lives to infiltrate terrorist organizations of
anti-Castro Cubans in Miami. They gave to Cuba the
information that permitted it to prevent terrorist attacks.
Four years ago, five of them were arrested in Miami.

"Five young people who, walking in the footsteps of Che,
sacrificed their own lives in the service of their people.
Ramón, Antonio, Fernando, Gerardo and Rene are the heroes of
this time. In the struggle against war, they are in the

She quoted Ramon Labanino in his letter to supporters of the
five: "With special interest, we witness that a beautiful
process of UNITY among progressive, left, working-class and
poor movements, and even with honorable people from
different backgrounds who believe in justice and truth, is
taking place.

"This is an ideal moment to get together, to unite all our
forces, to fight against the real enemy of our peoples:
Imperialism, originator of wars, destruction and crimes,
which is destroying our planet. The people of the world
deserve and need a better future. UNITED, we can make that
dream come true.

"If our sacrifice and modest efforts help in any possible
way to reach this dream, we will be honored! Count on us, as
your brothers, in defending the good causes of the World."


La Riva spoke of the growing war danger and the need for
mass mobilizations around the world on Oct. 26. A peace race
is being organized at Flanders for that day; a big turnout
is expected. "The Bush administration is furiously
mobilizing troops, its armada and the largest array of
weapons of mass destruction ever seen in history to wage a
genocidal war against Iraq," La Riva said.

"The faint opposition by politicians in the United States is
only a difference in tactics with Bush, Cheney and the ultra-
right. They do not differ on the objective of annihilating
the Iraqi government and people in order to take over Iraq
and its resources and more completely dominate the Middle
East. In the days and weeks ahead, we must use every
opportunity to mobilize, organize, march, demonstrate,
conduct civil disobedience, and fight to stop the war before
it starts."

She emphasized that the unity and coordination of Free the
Five support committees around the world will be the best
way to bring political pressure on the U.S. government to
release the five Cuban heroes from prison.

"Just like the fight to stop the war in Iraq, we must appeal
to the people, yes, especially the people of the United
States, to know, to understand and to help free them. Why?
Because we truly believe that once the people of the U.S.
and the world know of the existence and motives of the
heroic five, they will demand their freedom, too."

More than 1,500 signatures for the Free the Five petition
were gathered by the Iniciativa Cuba Socialista and handed
over to the U.S. committee to cap the political
presentation. Then hundreds of people filled the hall
downstairs for a lively salsa dance.

- END -

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