Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


[Following is a reply signed by a group of progressive 
leaders in southern California to an article by David Corn 
that appeared in the newspaper L.A. Weekly. Corn is also 
Washington editor for the Nation magazine and a paid 
consultant with the Fox News Channel, an extremely pro-war 
cable station owned by media billionaire Rupert Murdoch. In 
his article, Corn attacked the organizers of the Oct. 26 
anti-war demonstrations as "commies" or dupes of Workers 
World Party. He repeated this red-baiting of the anti-war 
movement on Nov. 18 in an appearance on the Fox program 
called the "O'Reilly Factor."]

To the Editor of the L.A. Weekly:

David Corn's scurrilous piece on the massive demonstrations 
against a new war with Iraq, held on Oct. 26 in Washington, 
D.C., and San Francisco ("Behind the Placards: The Odd and 
Troubling Origins of Today's Anti-War Movement," L.A. 
Weekly, Nov. 1-7, 2002), is unworthy of any newspaper, let 
alone one that considers itself "progressive."

Were it not for the sad fact that many thousands of people 
may read Mr. Corn's diatribe, the article would not be 
worthy of the time it's taken us to respond to it. After 
all, those of us who've signed this letter are members of 
L.A.-based anti-war and social justice groups and, unlike 
Mr. Corn, we've got a movement to build. Besides, what can 
one really say in response to an article that resorts to 
referring to the organizers of the Oct. 26 protests as 
"commies"! Mr. Corn claims this is "not red-baiting"! Well, 
if attacking a movement because of the political 
affiliations of some of its leadership isn't an old 
fashioned example of Joseph McCarthy style red-baiting at 
its worst, I'd hate to see what Mr. Corn thinks is red-

Those of us who have signed this letter greatly admire the 
work that International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End 
Racism) did in organizing the Oct. 26 anti-war protests. Its 
national steering committee is comprised of IFCO/Pastors for 
Peace; International Action Center; Nicaragua Network; 
Mexico Solidarity Network; Partnership for Civil Justice; 
Kensington Welfare Rights Union; Free Palestine Alliance/US; 
Mideast Children's Alliance; Bayan International/USA; Korea 
Truth Commission; and the Muslim Student Association. Are 
there any communists amongst the members of ANSWER, the 
principal organizer of the Oct. 26 protests? Specifically, 
are some of the leaders in ANSWER members of the Workers 
World Party? Sure. The question is, "So what?" As any 
student of the powerful--and successful--movement against 
the U.S. war in Vietnam knows, members of the Socialist 
Workers Party and the Communist Party, U.S.A., were among 
the leadership of the two major anti-war coalitions during 
that war. But the thousands of volunteers and the hundreds 
of thousands of protesters who showed up at the 
demonstrations were of every political stripe. The same is 
true today. The speakers and demonstrators on Oct. 26 came 
from every segment of the population; from public officials 
like John Burton, head of the California Senate, to 
thousands of college and high school students; from actors 
like Mike Farrell to Vietnam vets like Ron Kovic; from labor 
leaders like Walter Johnson, head of the San Francisco Joint 
Labor Council of the AFL-CIO to business executives against 
the war; from older peace activists like Daniel Ellsberg to 
younger ones like 12-year-old Sarah Enteen; from hotel 
workers to Dolores Huerta; from religious leaders like 
Bishop Gumbleton to socialists like Richard Becker. And the 
list goes on and on.

Mr. Corn complained that speakers at the rallies talked 
about political issues not directly related to Iraq, but 
failed to note that the demonstrations themselves were 
nevertheless "single-focused." And that single focus was the 
looming war with Iraq. And the same could be said of the 
rallies held by the massive movement to end the U.S. war in 
Vietnam. The largest demonstration against that war took 
place on April 24, 1971, when nearly one million people 
gathered in Washington, D.C. and over 300,000 marched and 
rallied in San Francisco. Among the speakers that day? 
Democrats and Republicans and ex-military officers and 
elected officials and labor leaders and Black nationalists 
and feminists and member of the clergy and gays and students 
and entertainers, etc., etc., ... and, yes, some communists, 
too. And, as was the case again on Oct. 26, while all of 
these speakers were united in their opposition to the war, 
they also spoke on a wide range of other issues of concern 
to their constituencies. In doing so, they demonstrated the 
breadth and power of the anti-Vietnam War movement. They 
also demonstrated that they understood (as Mr. Corn 
apparently does not) the connections between the issues they 
were addressing and the war itself. This approach proved 
successful during the movement against the war in Vietnam 
and it can bring us to peace again today. That's why 
speakers from across the political spectrum were invited to 
speak on a wide array of war-related social justice issues 
on Oct. 26.

Lastly, Mr. Corn owes an apology to the quarter of a million 
people who demonstrated in two cities on Oct. 26. His 
article clearly suggests that he considers them "dupes" of 
the "commies" who organized the protests. To suggest that 
these tens of thousands of protesters, including the many 
prominent individuals who addressed them at the rallies, 
were too stupid to make up their own minds about Bush's war 
on the world and war on civil liberties at home is truly 
insulting. That's what Congress's old House Un-American 
Activities Committee (HUAC) used to say about the protesters 
demonstrating against the Vietnam War. Happily, it didn't 
frighten people away from the anti-war coalitions then and 
it won't frighten them away now. People saw through the 
discredited red-baiting tactics of HUAC, and they will see 
through the red-baiting tactics of commentators like Mr. 

We who sign this letter invite everyone who reads it to 
reject Mr. Corn's ugly and divisive message of fear and 
defeatism, and to join one of the national, or local, anti-
war coalitions in their area. Together we can once again 
build a broad-based, non-partisan, non-witch-hunting anti-
war movement that can--and will--win the peace!


American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, L.A./O.C. 

Arab American Cultural Center

Danielle Babineau

Blase Bonpane,
Office of the Americas

Theresa Bonpane,
Office of the Americas

James Lafferty,
National Lawyers Guild

Rev. James Lawson, Jr.

Joe Navidad, BAYAN International/USA

Palestine American Women's Association of Southern 

Jonathan Parfrey

Save the Iraqi Children Committee

Michel Shehadeh

Carol Sobel,
National Lawyers Guild

Don White

Yong-bin Yuk, Mindallae

- END -

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