Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

"SEE YOU IN D.C. ON JAN. 18-19"

At the School of the Americas Watch demonstration, 
volunteers from Washington, Atlanta, Miami Beach, and 
Charlotte, N.C. helped get the word out about the ANSWER 
Coalition's People's Anti-War Referendum and Jan. 18-19 mass 
actions in DC against the war in Iraq. Almost half the 
people in attendance at the rallies voted no to war, and 
many took referendum sheets and information back to their 
promising to organize buses of people to be in the streets 
of Washington. Following is a speech delivered by Sarah 

I'm here representing the ANSWER Coalition --Act Now to Stop 
War & End Racism-- as we stand in solidarity with the people 
of Latin America against U.S.-sponsored terrorism. We have 
been working day and night to build a movement in solidarity 
with the people of Iraq, who have for the past 12 years been 
the victims of the terror of U.S.-led bombings, sanctions 
and covert actions.

On October 26, 200,000 people took to the streets of 
Washington DC in a demonstration that was historic in that 
it was a massive outpouring of opposition to the war before 
it started by people who believed it could be stopped. How 
many people were on the streets of DC on October 26? [Huge 
cheers and applause]

We represent the billions of people around the world who 
oppose this criminal war of aggression. As others have 
stated, George Bush does not speak for us. Congress does not 
represent us. But we have spoken with an undeniable voice to 
say that the people of Iraq are not our enemies, that they 
have a right to determine their own destinies free of 
outside interference, and that we, the people of the United 
States, need a war against poverty, a war against racism, a 
war against unemployment and cuts in education and social 

To help keep the momentum going, the ANSWER Coalition has 
initiated a unique effort to combat any myth of consensus 
that Bush tries to use the congressional and United Nations 
resolutions to create. The People's Anti-War Referendum is a 
campaign to get every person who opposes this criminal war 
to cast a vote-a vote that, for once, will really count. You 
can vote on the paper ballots that are being circulated here 
today or online at www.VoteNoWar.org. Our goal is to gather 
10 million signatures by January, when thousands will again 
converge in Washington, DC.

On January 18-19 - the Martin Luther King anniversary 
weekend and the 12th anniversary of the Gulf War-there will 
be a massive march in Washington and the convening of a 
People's Peace Congress that will stand as a counter to the 
U.S. War Congress that does not represent the people. Buses 
will travel from all over the South, East Coast and Midwest.

Both the Bush administration's threats of war against Iraq 
and the School of the Americas are testaments to the fact 
that Dr. King's statement, that "the greatest purveyor of 
violence on the planet is the U.S. government," is as true 
today as it was in the 1960s. What better way is there to 
honor his legacy than to be in DC on that weekend in a 
massive show of opposition to a new war in Iraq? And before 
you leave today make your opposition to the war count by 
joining the People's Anti-War Referendum.

- END -

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