Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Betsey Piette

Now that former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell is governor-
elect of Pennsylvania, concern is mounting that he will try 
to carry out his campaign promise to reinstate the death 
penalty against political activist and journalist Mumia Abu-
Jamal. Rendell, also a former District Attorney in 
Philadelphia, publicly called for Abu-Jamal's execution.

Nearly a year ago, on Dec. 18, 2001, Third Circuit Judge 
William Yohn overturned the death penalty in the case of 
Mumia Abu-Jamal, but upheld Abu-Jamal's conviction for the 
1981 shooting of a Philadelphia police officer--a murder 
that self-described hit-man Arnold Beverly has now confessed 
to. Yet despite Yohn's ruling and Beverly's confession, Abu-
Jamal has remained on death row, and each step of his appeal 
process has encountered stiff resistance from a state 
seemingly bent on executing an innocent person.

Two appeals have been filed: one from the prosecution, 
appealing Yohn's overturning of the death penalty, the other 
from Abu-Jamal's attorneys appealing the upholding of the 
conviction. Both appeals are on hold in the United States 
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, pending a ruling by 
the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on an earlier appeal.

Opening briefs in the appeal process were filed over the 
past few months by Abu-Jamal's attorneys and by the 
prosecution. Defense attorneys Eliot Grossman and Marlene 
Kamish have also asked the state court to reconsider a 
hearing date for oral arguments. The court had initially 
denied this request before all the written briefs were even 
received for review.

Also awaiting a ruling is a motion by Abu-Jamal's attorneys 
to disqualify Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Justice 
Ronald Castille from hearing Mumia's appeal. Castille, when 
he was Philadelphia County District Attorney, had 
supervisory responsibility for the "McMahon videotape"--a 
training tape for prosecutors on how to exclude African 
Americans from juries. In their motion, Abu-Jamal's 
attorneys point out that during his trial, African-American 
jurors were peremptorily challenged by the prosecutor during 
jury selection because of their race.

Because the courts have so far refused to admit into 
evidence a videotape of Arnold Beverly's confession that he 
killed Officer Daniel Faulkner, Grossman and Kamish have 
also requested that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court permit 
Beverly to appear before them to testify. Beverly's written 
and videotaped confession, in which he exonerates Abu-Jamal 
of any participation in the shooting, was previously filed 
with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. No ruling has been made 
on this request.

Time and again his attorneys have presented the courts with 
evidence that Abu-Jamal is innocent. Supporters are 
demanding that the courts hear this evidence, in particular 
the Beverly confession. An amicus brief on behalf of several 
labor unions filed by attorney Michael Yamamoto provides an 
excellent, concise and to-the-point presentation of the 

A campaign is underway to get the names of individuals and 
organizations on Notices of Joinder forms to be filed in the 
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, joining the Yamamoto amicus 
brief. Information on the joinder campaign is available 
through International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia 
Abu-Jamal at (215) 476-8812, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- END -

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