Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

As part of the preparation for their planned crime of an 
unprovoked blitzkrieg attack on Iraq, Bush administration 
officials have made it public that they are monitoring Iraqi 
citizens living in the United States and people with dual 
U.S.-Iraqi citizenship, and may arrest them when a war 

The unnamed officials fed this information to the New York 
Times, which reported it on Nov. 17. The story was quickly 
reprinted in newspapers across the country.

In response, Hussein Ibish, spokesperson for the American 
Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, compared the plan to the 
policy that resulted in the imprisonment of thousands of 
Japanese Americans during World War II.

"There has been a return of systematic suspicion by 
ethnicity, which is the first step on the road," Ibish told 
Reuters. "The community is exposed and people are aware of 
their vulnerability. The feeling is one of tremendous 

The officials told the Times that a large number of 
government agencies are part of the surveillance operation. 
They include the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, the immigration 
service, the State Department and the National Security 
Agency, which eavesdrops on communications around the world.

Along with monitoring any activity by Iraqis, the same 
unnamed officials said they plan to try to recruit Iraqis 
and other Arab Americans as informants to spy on their 
neighbors. According to the Times, the FBI will "meet with 
Arab-American civic leaders to explain the non-classified 
aspects of the operation."

The Times also reports that there is discussion within the 
government about creating a domestic intelligence agency as 
part of the Homeland Security Department.

While the Bush administration has initiated this new 
program, its officials say they released the information 
partly in answer to Florida Democrat Bob Graham, who, 
instead of coming out against the administration's war 
plans, has instead criticized it for allegedly failing to 
take aggressive steps to stop terrorism. However, the Times 
article admits that no Iraqis have been accused of terrorism 
in the United States--not during the present war drive or 
even when the U.S. was waging the Gulf War and bombing Iraq 
every day in 1991.

Thus leading figures in both capitalist parties are making a 
concerted assault on human and political rights within the 
United States. Meanwhile the Bush administration rides 
roughshod over normal rules of international behavior in its 
plans to invade Iraq.

This totally illegal and unconstitutional spying on 
individuals just because of their nationality is another 
example of the police-state practices introduced through the 
USA Patriot Act.

The timing of this release makes it only too clear that this 
move is intended to silence opposition to the criminal war 
now being readied against Iraq. It is part of the media myth 
here that all Iraqis are praying for the U.S. to invade 
their country. Washington doesn't want Iraqis here to be 
seen publicly opposing the war.

San Diego's Iraqi community is the second largest in the 
U.S. Many of those who have been given U.S. visas are 
political opponents of the Baghdad government. Nevertheless, 
the Union-Tribune reported on Nov. 18 that "sympathizers" 
with Iraq--it didn't say if they were Iraqis or North 
Americans--"tore down announcements of an anti-Hussein, pro-
war protest last month" and were then reported to the FBI by 
pro-war elements in the community.

The New York Times article reported that the government's 
dragnet will be extended to "Iraq sympathizers if they are 
believed to be planning domestic terrorist operations."

Politically, this is an attempt to demonize and silence 
anyone who might sympathize with the Iraqi people for the 
suffering that the criminal administration in Washington 
plans to inflict on them.

- END -

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