Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

In the war against "endless war," each battle leads to a 
bigger one.

Since Oct. 26, when hundreds of thousands of people marched 
and rallied in Washington and San Francisco against the Bush 
administration's growing war on Iraq, the government has 
pretended that nothing happened. It declared the lackluster 
and ambiguous electoral results on Nov. 5 a "mandate" for 
war, even though congress members had been flooded with anti-
war messages. It didn't even comment on the million people 
who rallied in Florence, Italy, against the U.S. war drive.

It then pushed through the UN Security Council a resolution 
that Washington has already declared gives it the green 
light to attack Iraq, even though that's not what the other 
countries are saying.

People who may have feared they were alone before the 
demonstrations but went home knowing they are part of a 
strong movement are now reaching out to their communities, 
jobs, schools, churches and shopping areas with a fresh and 
ever more urgent sense of purpose: build this movement and 
make its anti-war message as visible as possible.

The International ANSWER coalition, which called the Oct. 26 
demonstrations, is now building new national actions on the 
Martin Luther King holiday weekend in January. It is also 
gathering hundreds of thousands of registrations in a 
referendum against the war, both online and on paper. The 
results of its grassroots efforts are encouraging.

The group's web site now has a long list of endorsers for 
the Jan. 18-19 actions that shows the broad social character 
of this movement. It encompasses groups and individuals from 
almost every area of activism for justice, equality, peace 
and a better life for all the people.

Key endorsers of the Oct. 26 demonstrations like former 
Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Rev. Graylan Hagler, Dr. Hans 
Christof von Sponeck--former director of the UN Oil for Food 
Program, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Mahdi Bray of the Muslim 
American Society Freedom Foundation, people's historian 
Howard Zinn and Congressperson Cynthia McKinney have again 
come forward. But they have now been joined by Dr. James 
Tate, Executive Director, National Alliance Against Racism 
and Political Repression; John Dear, former executive 
director of the Fellowship for Reconciliation; Attorney 
Michael Tarif Warren, singer Patti Smith, the Rev. Herbert 
Daughtry, author Ron Kovic and hundreds more.

The organizations that have endorsed the national march and 
a People's Peace Congress span a wide geographical area. 
Some are organized specifically around the issues of war and 
peace; others were formed around other social causes but 
recognize that war has a deleterious effect on all of 
society and feel it imperative to take a stand at this time.

Here's just a sampling of some of the anti-war groups that 
have endorsed: West Virginia Antiwar Coalition, Northeast 
Wisconsin Peace Network, Campaign Against War at the 
University of Iowa, Cleveland Peace Action, New York City 
Labor Against the War, IFCO/Pastors for Peace, Coalition for 
Peace and Justice--Charlotte, N.C., Student Voices for Peace-
-New Mexico State University, Vietnam Veterans Against the 
War Anti-Imperialist, Women Against War and Nukewatch.

Many students and faculty members from campuses and high 
schools all over the country have sent in their endorsements 
and are organizing transportation to the protests. Union 
members from the Teamsters to the United Federation of 
Teachers to the United Auto Workers have signed up, and some 
have gotten their locals' endorsements.

As the crow flies, endorsing groups range from the Alaska 
Action Center to Women in of Gulfcoast, Fla., from the 
Coastal Convergence Society of Huntington Beach, Calif., to 
A Job is a Right Campaign of Montreal, Canada.

The Green Party, Anarchist Action of Rochester, Freedom Road 
Socialist Organization, Metro DC Committee of Correspondence 
and Young Liberals of North California are listed, and of 
course Workers World Party is an endorser.

Queers For Racial & Economic Justice are there, along with 
New Jersey Cop Watch, Kensington Welfare Rights Union, 
National Black Police Association and Earthhope Action 

There are intriguing names, too, like the White Rabbit Cult, 
Flyby News and Global Pastry Uprising. The complete list can 
be found at the www.internationalanswer.org web site, where 
new endorsements can also be registered.

This is a diverse movement that is bringing together people 
from cities and villages, schools and factories, of varying 
ideologies, generations and sexual expressions. They have 
found common ground in trying to stop the slaughter of 
innocents in a land far way organized by a cynical group of 
power-hungry politicians and oil tycoons.

- END -

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