Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Steve Gillis

As the Israeli war against the Palestinian people, supplied 
and inspired by Washington, increases its brutality with 
deadly attacks on Hebron, Gaza, Jenin and throughout 
occupied Palestine, so too have U.S. "homeland security" 
attacks against those speaking for the cause of Palestinian 

On Nov. 15, dozens of supporters comprising the Amer Jubran 
Defense Committee rallied at the Boston INS headquarters 
during the early morning rush hour to demand the immediate 
release of this Palestinian activist from custody. Eleven 
days earlier, INS and FBI agents had raided Jubran's home in 
Rhode Island. They have been holding him without charges at 
the maximum security prison ACI Cranston.

Jubran has been a vocal leader at numerous pro-Palestinian 
and anti-war rallies and marches sponsored by the 
International ANSWER coalition throughout the eastern U.S., 
and is the founder of the New England Committee to Defend 

At a press conference, Jubran's attorney, Nelson Brill, 
announced that the defense committee's efforts to flood the 
district INS office with hundreds of phone calls and faxes 
had won Jubran a bond hearing for Nov. 21 at 9:00 a.m. at 
the JFK federal building in Boston. Other speakers at the 
press conference included Boston City Councilor Chuck 
Turner, Nancy Murray of the American Civil Liberties Union, 
Urszula Masny-Latos of the National Lawyers Guild, 
Palestinian activist Rawan Barakat, and representatives of 
Amnesty Inter na tional, Falmouth Anti-War, the Steel 
workers Union and International ANSWER.

People are urged to call, fax and write: INS District 
Director Steven J. Farquharson; Room 1700, JFK Federal 
Building; Boston, MA 02203; telephone (617) 565-4214; fax 
(617) 565-4765. Please send a copy to: Amer Jubran Defense 
Committee, P.O. Box 755, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. An online 
petition to Free Amer Jubran is at 

- END -

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