Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 5, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

As Gulf war nears


By Richard Becker

Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, both in street 
actions and military operations, intensified in November. At 
the same time, Israeli military forces made new incursions 
into Gaza, and completely re-occupied Bethlehem and Hebron.

With the exception of isolated Jericho, all West Bank cities 
are patrolled by Israeli tanks and heavily armed troops.

A looming question is what the Israeli government plans in 
the event of a U.S. invasion of Iraq. Many Palestinians 
believe that the Israeli authorities, under cover of a new 
U.S. war, may move to expel the Palestinian population from 
key areas and launch a major offensive in Gaza.

Palestinian children and youths have responded to the 
presence of Israeli troops and tanks in Nablus, Ramallah, 
Bethlehem, Jenin and other West Bank cities and towns with a 
resurgence of street demonstrations. Although armor protects 
them from the stones thrown by Palestinian demonstrators, 
the Israeli troops have fired live ammunition.

Between Nov. 15 and Nov. 24, Israeli bullets killed at least 
21 Palestinians and wounded scores more.

On Nov. 19, Israeli tanks and troops invaded Tulkarem, 
killing five Palestinians and wounding 11 others. Two of the 
dead and five of the wounded were under 18.

It would be hard to know this from the U.S. corporate media. 
Their focus is almost exclusively on Israeli casualties. And 
Israeli casualties have also been heavy. Twelve Israeli 
soldiers and security, including a colonel, were killed in a 
Nov. 15 firefight in Hebron. On Nov. 21, a bus bomb in West 
Jerusalem killed 12 people and wounded more than 40.

The latest developments highlight the failure of Prime 
Minister Ariel Sharon's policy of seeking to crush the 
Palestinian resistance through extreme force, mass arrests 
and economic strangulation. Because of this failure, Sharon, 
who is infamous for his long career as a racist and war 
criminal, faces a serious challenge in the upcoming primary 
election of his Likud bloc.

The challenge--not surprisingly in today's Israeli politics--
is coming from an even more right-wing candidate, former 
Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The winner will be the 
Likud candidate in the general election, not yet scheduled 
but expected to take place some time between late January 
and March of next year.


The Bush administration and most U.S. media misrepresented 
and condemned the Palestinian attack in Hebron as a 
"massacre of Jewish worshippers." The Israeli casualties, 
however, belied this characterization: four Israeli 
soldiers, five border police, and three armed settler 
security forces.

Hebron is well known as home to the most extreme of the 
fascist settlers, many of whom are from the United States. 
The settlers, who demand that all Palestinians be expelled 
from Palestine, are armed with automatic weapons provided by 
the Israeli army.

About 400 Israeli settlers live in the center of Hebron, a 
Palestinian city of 160,000. Despite their tiny numbers 
(less than one-quarter of 1 percent), the settlers have 20 
percent of Hebron. Outside Hebron there is the large Israeli 
settlement of Kiryat Arba, made up of like-minded racists.

When Hebron is locked down under curfew--which it has been 
for most of the past year--the settlers are allowed to roam 
free to attack Palestinian civilians, homes and shops.

On the evening of Nov. 15, a Palestinian militia unit lured 
Israeli military forces escorting a group of settlers into a 
trap, according to a report on the DEBKAfile website. 
DEBKAfile is a right-wing military and intelligence affairs 
website that focuses on the Middle East.

When Israeli reinforcements rushed to the scene, they, too, 
were ambushed. The Israeli casualties included Col. Dror 
Weinberg, the highest-ranking Israeli officer killed during 
26 months of the second Intifada (Uprising). Three 
Palestinians were killed in the fight.

"It wasn't a massacre, it was battle," said Matan Vilnai, a 
retired Israeli general and a leading member of the 
opposition Labor Party. (Quoted in the National Post of 
Canada, Nov. 18, 2002)

Responsibility for the operation was claimed by the Islamic 
Jihad operation, which said it was carried out to avenge the 
assassination of one of its leaders the previous week.

The same organization also claimed a Nov. 22 attack on an 
Israeli gunship off the coast of Gaza. Two Palestinians 
aboard a small fishing boat were killed when it blew up 
close to the Israeli ship. Four Israeli soldiers were 
wounded and the gunboat damaged, in what was believed to be 
the first such attack.


On Nov. 22, an Israeli soldier shot and killed Ian Hook, 53, 
manager of the Jenin camp rehabilitation project for the 
United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Much of the Jenin refugee camp, home to 13,000 expelled 
Palestinians and their families, was destroyed by Israeli 
army tanks and bulldozers in April. That rampage left at 
least 92 dead and more than 5,000 people homeless.

UNRWA is charged with providing health care, education and 
food to Jenin and the other 58 Palestinian refugee camps. 
After much of Jenin camp was destroyed, the U.S. government 
blocked the UN from carrying out an investigation of 
Israel's actions. Rebuilding efforts are just getting 

The Israeli army tried at first to cover up the killing of 
Hook, claiming that he was "caught in a cross-fire" between 
Palestinians and Israeli troops. The army went so far as to 
allege that Palestinian fighters were firing from inside the 
UN compound in the camp.

But UN officials and other witnesses on the scene angrily 
denied the official Israeli story. UN spokesperson Paul 
McCann said, "From our inquiry so far, this report of firing 
from the compound is totally incredible."

Hook was shot twice in the abdomen. He bled to death after 
the Israeli army prevented an ambulance from transporting 
him to a nearby hospital.

Three days earlier, the Israeli Army had attacked and 
occupied the Medical Relief Center in Jenin. On Nov. 19, the 
Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees sent out an 
urgent appeal saying that "much of our equipment was 
intentionally destroyed. Our doctors and nurses were 
threatened at gun-point and prevented from accessing the 
center, which is currently used as an operational base for 
the Israeli occupying army."


On Nov. 21 in Tel Aviv, Marwan Barghouti, a leading member 
of Fatah, the largest Palestinian political party, and a 
member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, was brought 
once again before an Israeli court.

Barghouti was abducted from Ramallah and taken illegally to 
Israel in May. He was charged with murder in the deaths of 
26 Israelis who have died during the Intifada. Barghouti 
defiantly rejected the charges against him.

"This court is a joke," shouted Barghouti. "This court 
represents Israel's occupation, which has committed crimes 
against the Palestinian people.

"I am not the one who should be in the dock, but the Israeli 
occupation which settles on our lands, destroys our houses, 
assassinates our activists.

"The war criminals are on the Israeli side," said Barghouti. 
"The Intifada will be victorious," he chanted until silenced 
by the court.

Gisele Halimi, a French lawyer assisting Barghouti's 
defense, said the case is "a political trial which should 
never have taken place. ... From the point of view of 
international law, Israel's position in not defendable." n

- END -

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