Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 5, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

UMass Amherst


By Bryan G. Pfeifer
Amherst, Mass.

The USA Patriot Act and "Homeland Security" have found a 
home at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst--at least 

On Oct. 24 Associate Professor M.J. Alhabeeb of the 
Department of Resource Economics, who is a naturalized U.S. 
citizen from Iraq, was questioned by UMass police detective 
Barry Flanders and an FBI agent from the Joint Terrorism 
Task Force office in Springfield, Mass.

The interrogation came after the Boston FBI office 
supposedly received a "tip" that Alhabeeb was "anti-
American" and opposed to U.S. policy toward Iraq. Flanders, 
who is paid by the university, has been assigned as a 
"liaison" to the task force and works two days a week in 

At Alhabeeb's office, the officers told him the tip came 
from someone linked to Amherst Community Television where 
Alhabeeb is on the board of directors. If in fact this is 
true, Alhabeeb surmises that the informant may be someone 
disgruntled with his votes against budget cuts at the 

Alhabeeb told Workers World that since arriving in the 
United States from Iraq in 1982 he has never publicly aired 
his political views. He said conversations at ACTV were "all 
internal, budgetary and administrative talk. I can't recall 
once that I talked politics at ACTV."

Alhabeeb initially asked that his name not be publicized for 
safety reasons--he is married and has two children--but 
three local newspapers used his name in articles and the 
UMass Amherst Daily Collegian published his picture on the 
front page.

Besides sitting on ACTV's board of directors, Alhabeeb is a 
former executive board member of the Massachusetts Society 
of Professionals -- the UMass faculty union. He is also one 
of a few original Arabic calligraphers in the West. In fact, 
four days after he was interviewed, the art exhibition 
"Islamic Art: Peace & Beauty, Islamic Calligraphy by M.J. 
Alhabeeb," began a month-long run in the Augusta Savage 
Gallery housed in the New Africa house where the Afro 
American studies department is located

People on campus first learned of the attack on Alhabeeb the 
week of Nov. 10. Longtime U-Mass Sociology Professor Dan 
Clawson circulated an email after Alhabeeb told him about 
the "interview."

Calling for a meeting on Nov. 18 to address the issue, 
Clawson said, "We need to organize to stop FBI interrogation 
of UMass faculty (or students or staff), and UMass 
cooperation with and assistance to that process.

"Police and FBI investigation of those with dissenting views 
threatens the integrity of the university," added Clawson. 
"In an all-too-typical pattern, such investigations are 
targeted first at people of the 'wrong' race or ethnicity."

At the Nov. 18 meeting over 75 faculty, staff and students 
packed a meeting room in Machmer Hall. They agreed to draft 
a statement opposing "investigations" on campus and take 
other actions to expose "investigations."

Alhabeeb has not been the only one under attack. At the 
meeting Sri Lankan-born Yaju Dharmarajah, an organizer with 
Service Employees Local 509 on campus, said his wife Pilar 
Schiavo was visited at their home in Hadley, Mass., by 
Hadley police and an FBI agent from UMass in September while 
Dharmarajah was out of town. "They wanted to know if we were 
terrorists," said Dharmarajah. He said they asked Schiavo 
about his activities, his membership in various groups and 
his political views.

By speaking out Dharmarajah showed great courage. Under the 
Patriot Act he could be detained indefinitely as a foreign 

"It is very scary to be put in that situation, especially 
when your husband is not a citizen yet," Schiavo told the 
Daily Hampshire Gazette.

In the racist and terrorist climate fostered by the Bush 
administration since Sept. 11, 2002, hundreds, if not 
thousands, of faculty, staff and students have been 
"interviewed" by the FBI and other U.S. agencies. This is 
according to information posted by the American Association 
of University Professors on its website.

The fight-back campaign being waged at UMass Amherst against 
racist, terrorist state repression is one of many at higher-
education institutions nationwide. This movement is growing. 

- END -

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