Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 12, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Mahtowin Munro
Plymouth, Mass.

More than 500 people, from all the four directions, braved bitter cold 
to participate in the 33rd National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Mass., 
on Nov. 28. The event is organized annually by United American Indians 
of New England (UAINE).

Native people from many nations were in attendance, as well as many non-
Native supporters, providing a powerful demonstration of unity. The co-
leaders of UAINE particularly acknowledged the presence of Palestinian 
supporters, noting that "Their struggle is one with our struggle."

According to Moonanum James, a Wampanaog and co-leader of UAINE, "Our 
very presence frees this land from the lies of the history books, the 
profiteers and the mythmakers. We will honor all peoples' ancestors in 
struggle who went before us."

Several of the speakers honored those who had died during the past year. 
All spoke of the true history of the European settlement of the Americas 
and the importance of teaching children that truth.

After a speak-out during which many speakers called for freedom for 
Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier, Day of Mourning participants 
marched through the streets of Plymouth. During a street rally that 
blocked traffic on the waterfront by Plymouth Rock, Raul Ruiz (Mexica), 
part of the Danza Azteca group that led the march, called upon 
participants to "crush the rock and all that it represents."

This annual Native American protest of the mythology surrounding the 
Pilgrims and "Thanksgiving" first occurred in 1970 after an attempt to 
suppress the truth.

Wamsutta Frank James, an Aquinnah Wampanoag man, had been invited to 
address a gathering sponsored by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
commemorating the 350th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims.

Because Wamsutta was going to talk about how the coming of the Pilgrims 
and other European colonialists brought about the devastation of the 
Wampanoag and other Native peoples in the northeastern U.S., officials 
of Massachusetts demanded that he follow a script that they would 

Wamsutta refused, and as a result Native and non-Native people gathered 
in Plymouth and declared U.S. "Thanksgiving Day" a National Day of 
Mourning. UAINE and their supporters have gathered, in good or bad 
weather, every year since.

Sadly, the conditions of racism and poverty in Indian Country that 
prevailed in 1970 continue today. For example, as Moonanum James pointed 
out, "Many Native people are forced to choose every winter between 
heating and eating. As the economy crumbles and social programs are 
eliminated altogether, these conditions will only worsen. " 
- END -

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