On 10/12/15 8:45 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
https://old.etherpad-mozilla.org/html5-cross-origin-objects and
https://github.com/domenic/window-proxy-spec contain sketches for
three type of objects we need to define:

* WindowProxy object
* cross-origin WindowProxy object (CrossOriginWindowProxy?)
* cross-origin Location object (CrossOriginLocationProxy?)

We could define the bindings for these directly in HTML or IDL could
provide some more sugar. What would be better?

I personally think we should reserve IDL for things people will want to do more than once, since the point is making sure that such things are done uniformly and the work can be reused.

For things that need to be done only once, as here, it seems better to me to define them directly in the spec that's doing them instead of adding complexity to IDL...

Note that IDL does allow other specifications to define new extended attributes, as far as I can tell, so you can still add some sugar in terms of how things are expressed in IDL even if you're defining functionality in a different specification.


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