
Given as far as I know you've been at least somewhat involved with every
spec that's used wpt as part of its implementation report, let me throw
a few questions at you:

 * How's the lack of versioning been dealt with? (e.g., between HTML5
and tests for features added since HTML5 was forked)

 * How's the W3C/WHATWG divergence been dealt with? (For specs for which
that applies!)

Far as I can tell, neither of them really have been dealt with. If I'm
not misreading the few IRs I opened up, they've all assumed that all
tests within the respective directories in wpt apply to the spec leaving
CR. Furthermore, when it comes to links to the testsuite, they seem to
all just link to that directory in the master branch of wpt, which will
become increasingly less useful at testing a stable snapshot as time

There's also the interesting case of a edit to a REC that ends up being
first published as a CR, where one would presumably want to add/modify
tests relative to the testsuite for the REC while excluding tests for
more recent revisions of the spec to exit CR then.

As an aside: there's been some discussion in the CSS WG about testsuites
recently (uh, my doing, "whoops") which you might have some interest in,
some of which deals with issues like testsuites for different versions
of a spec.


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