On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:22 PM, Philippe Le Hegaret <p...@w3.org> wrote:
> On 03/29/2016 12:33 AM, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:
>> As an aside: there's been some discussion in the CSS WG about testsuites
>> recently (uh, my doing, "whoops") which you might have some interest in,
>> some of which deals with issues like testsuites for different versions
>> of a spec.
> I'll try to catch up on this front. I'm curious about the use cases for the
> old test suites. While I can think of some, I'm worried about the added
> costs for maintaining multiple versions of a test suite. We already have
> such difficulties for maintaining multiple versions of a spec...

I think the most obvious thing that comes to mind is the long period
it took to get CSS 2.1 out of CR, and the deferment of a number of
features to level 3. This meant punting a number of tests to their
respective level 3 modules (display: run-in comes to mind as something
that affected a lot of tests), while simultaneously maintaining the
2.1 testsuite for the sake of getting it out of CR. On the other hand,
things like that are almost certainly doable with simple filtering of
tests given an increasingly large blacklist can be used.


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