Here is how the Mac packaging works... (="will work")

Dual: just like Mac OS X itself, this can be done in
two different ways, the "Mac way" or the "Unix way"
(with the Mac way being more of the NeXT way really,
but that is a topic for a whole other discussion...)


For the Mac way, I will do static links like this:
                        wxLua.icns (ditto) (ditto)

The "Info.plist" can be generated from,
it's an XML file that describes the application...

This will not get "installed", but the user can drag
it to /Applications or ~/Applications, or wherever.

This "" bundle is what we set as the
application to launch for .lua files, and so on.

The Samples themselves will just go in a folder.
Package will be either ZIP or DMG, probably dmg ?


For the Unix way, it will be shared linked like:

$PREFIX/bin/wxlua ->

That last library is not provided by wxLua,
it's the wxWidgets shared library being used.
(could be either wxMac or wxGTK, and either
monolithic or split into several - as usual)


Will probably link STC and wxStEdit statically ?
(just to avoid problems in DarwinPorts and Fink)

On Mac OS X, "commandline" programs launch in the
background and don't receive any events (sucks!),
so we will fake this for the "Unix way" by adding
an oldskool Mac resource fork, including the icon:

/Developer/Tools/Rez -d wxLua.r Carbon.r -o $PREFIX/bin/wxlua
/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a C $PREFIX/bin/wxlua

This will make it look nice, and : receive events too. :)
All these files will get installed, in the usual $PREFIX.


Hope that clears things up ? Mac OS X is a strange hybrid...


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