Anders F Björklund ha scritto:
Francesco Montorsi wrote:

I don't actually think we'll even need an Installer PKG...
this gives me some other conceptual problem: Installer PKG was not mentioned in point 1) or 2)... I thought we were going to release a .dmg...

Normally you wrap a PKG inside a DMG, if you need to
get permission or install in "invisible" directories
(the Finder hides /usr/local and the rest from the user)

For wxLua, we're not really going to distribute the
bin and lib and so on to the "end user", so we can
let users wanting those use source or DarwinPorts/Fink ?

Thus, we won't require PKG in this project. Right you are.

Making a DMG is pretty simple, just proprietary to Apple:
hdiutil create -srcfolder wxLua -fs HFS+ -format UDZO -ov wxLua.dmg
hdiutil internet-enable -yes -quiet wxLua.dmg
maybe these cmds should go into a script in build\macbundle ?

(better to do an RPM spec file in that case, and use RPM ?)
RPM is evil as it is distro- and version-distro- specific.
That's why I'm using autopackage for Linux binary package.
So I'd prefer to avoid it...

huh ?
I was just talking about a .spec file, for building RPMS yourself ?
You don't even have to distribute SRPMS, as one can use the tarball.

Nothing evil about that, I like RPM.
ah, ok; I strongly associate RPM with the idea of binaries, maybe because I've never used SRPM... ;)

Binary RPMS, however: Oh dear... :-)


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