Thank you very much. The files work alright now.
I did realise something though: I have been running wxlua, not wxluaedit. The 2.6.2 binary windows installer does not install wxluaedit, and since wxlua without a file starts as an editor, I thought that I had gotten the real editor to work.
I was very happy with the "upgraded" interface of wxluaedit compared to wxlua. Much, much nicer.
I tested the new version of wxlua, and it still takes 4kb every 2 seconds, regardless of what I do. No worries though, as I plan on using the real editor from now on :)

I had to rewrite some of my code to work with this new version. I have stripped the scribble-demo in order to get plotting and line-drawing working. It works great, but I haven't had time to delve into WHY, time-pressure to get the data generator going.

I feel a little giddy, it's a bit like coming home to Turbo Pascal, or 8-bit BASIC. I think LUA is a very nice prototyping language, and WxWidgets makes it really easy to present the data to my spectators. I have NEVER done any windows-programs before, so WxLUA is my first attempt and success at this. I ususally do deeply embedded programming.


2006/9/6, John Labenski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Ok, I got it to compile in VC6. I think the crashing was that I forgot
to completely recompile wxWidgets since doing a CVS update. There's
still the linking warnings which I'll post in a separate message.

I put it in the snapshot directory, its just the binaries wxlua.exe,
wxluaedit.exe, and wxluafreeeze.exe. I've used upx on wxlua.exe and
wxluaedit.exe and not wxluafreeze.exe since it's better to run that
after attaching your program, see the apps/wxluafreeze/src/readme.txt

Compiled w/ VC6 in release multilib with wxWidgets 2.6.3, but the CVS
version of it.

I hope this works better for you and let me know if it still leaks.
You absolutely have to call :Delete() on any wxColours, wxPens,
wxBrushes, wxDCs since the lua garbage collector will let too many of
them collect. Use the "Show Stack" in wxluaedit and look at "Tracked
List" after running the code below in the "wxLuaShell" window to see
what I mean.

>> a = wx.wxPen(wx.wxColour (1,2,3), 1, wx.wxSOLID)
then show stack, then type
>> a:Delete()
and show the stack again, notice how you have a wxColour still since
lua holds a reference to it, but the GC won't be run until quite a few
items have been collected.

I will work on making a lua interface to the "Show Stack" to allow a
lua program to print out the tracked items for easier debugging.

    John Labenski

On 9/4/06, John Labenski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/4/06, Adam Klotblixt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > Hello all, first post so be gentle with me :)
> No problem.
> > I have used the 2.6.2 binary for Windows for 2 weeks now. Unfortunately the
> > wxluaedit application leaks memory something awful, at least 2kb per second.
> > After 30 minutes the applikation is unusable, having taken more than 50Mb
> > and using +90% CPU time regardless of what is done (just blinking the
> > cursor). Closing the applikation then takes more than 1 hour, but killing
> > the process works.
> > I saw someone else on the list had the same problem, and the suggested fix
> > was to get the latest nightly source and build it. I have tried and failed
> > miserably, using MSVC++ 6.0. More than half a day has been wasted trying to
> > get it all running. In the end I failed to link wxluaedit. I don't even know
> > for sure if the latest nightly build is actually possible to build with MSVC
> > 6.0?
> Yes, just go into the wxLua/build/msw and open wxLua.dsw and build. I
> like to use Debug/Release Multilib.
> I just tried it and I get all kinds of warnings about functions
> changing signatures... I dunno what this is all about, but I think the
> build settings have changed and it crashes immediately when run with
> no useful backtrace. I'll look into it tomorrow night.
> > Quick fix: could someone please share a pre-built binary of the latest
> > build? Wxluaedit is what I need the most.
> See above, I tried to compile it for you, but something's gone wrong.
> It runs great in Linux though. :) Seriously, it's probably something
> small, like a compiler switch, but it's not immediately obvious to me
> what it is.
> > Long-term fix: nightly/weekly binary builds on the download side would be
> > very nice. I read the history-file with 2.6.3 notations and wept as I wanted
> > so many of the fixes.
> >
> > My current hack-solution is to use the editor for 30 minutes, kill it and
> > repeat. Not very impressive.
> That does stink, sorry.
> > Praise: I REALLY like LUA, and wxlua is a perfect fit for my current needs.
> > wxluaedit, when working, is rather nice to use. I have regained some
> > programming-lust.
> Soon... we're very close to really getting all the build stuff
> working. It's a shame that as much work goes into making it build
> cross-platform as goes into actual programming.
> Regards,
>    John Labenski

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