Hi Stefan

thanks - I've seen your message via the webfrontend earlier and thus
decided to sign up. However, CCing me would have been a good idea, yes.

I am flattered, but unfortunately not skilled enough to help you. The
fix I send originated from a hour-long debugging session with two other
people (non-OS X developers) - I am pretty sure I would have never
caught such a stack overflow by myself. (Actually, I tried debugging via
gdb at first and noticed the this pointer changed when going into the
newly called channelLoop function, causing the program to crash - but
was more than startled because this should have never had happened.
Turns out, the stack was full and the first parameter of the function,
i.e., "this" could not be pushed onto it, thus reading some random memory.)

At the same time, I am happy to say that otherwise the x2go client (from
git) is fully functioning on OS X with one little flaw - I have to test
the same git version on Linux as well to confirm a OS X specific bug though.

Oh yeah, and building nxproxy on OS X is not trivial but easily
manageable with a few build system modifications.

Best regards,


> Am 18.02.2012 04:57, schrieb Mihai Moldovan:
>>  Raise the stack space to 2MB for secondary threads. It previously used
>>  the 512KB system default.
>>  Signed-off-by: Mihai Moldovan<io...@ionic.de>
> <snip>
> Mihai, since you committed an OS X-specific patch: Would you be
> interested in picking up development of the OS X X2Go-Client?
> Originally, Mike wanted to take a stab at it, but didn't get around to
> do it, and Alex won't touch the OS X port unless he gets paid for it.
> If you have the necessary skills and the time to keep the OS X port
> current, I could provide you with a Mac mini for testing.
> See
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.terminal-server.x2go.devel/2112
> and
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.terminal-server.x2go.devel/2347
> for the specs&  background info.
> I bought this Mac specifically so someone skilled enough can work on the
> X2Go-Client, and it's kind of sad that no one wants to pick up
> development even though hardware is provided for free/in exchange for a
> deposit.
> I don't have enough Mac users among my clients that paying Alex (or
> anyone else) to work on it would be economically viable...
> -Stefan

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