Hi all

Turns out, building a static, multi-arch (fat) version of x2goclient is
not that easy. Not because of x2goclient, but I had to (successfully)
hack openldap into building universal first. Also, my system Qt libs
have no static version, so I'm currently rebuilding them.

Anyway, I should have a working version by tonight (i.e., in at most 24
hours) including a fat binary file for x86 and x86_64. ppc will take a
me a little bit longer, as my ppc assembler went missing (don't ask me
how exactly.) Do we even care about ppc? Snow Leopard (10.6) is not
working on ppc and Lion (10.7) dropped all ppc support for good.

Btw: so far, I've been using the NX nomachine source (nxproxy, nxcomp)
for building a native 2-arch version of nxproxy (with nxcomp statically
linked in.) I merely had a quick glance at your nx-libs.git, but from
what I could see it's just the vanilla nx source redistributed, so we
should be golden.

I'll post my "installer" (really just a .dmg image with x2goclient.app
in it, how all project redistribute on OS X) to the list when it's ready
and I've had some sleep.

Best regards,


* On 18.02.2012 09:56 PM, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> On Sa 18 Feb 2012 21:46:40 CET Mihai Moldovan wrote:
>> Ah, native multi-arch binaries? I'll give it a try, hang on...
> Yeah...
> Cheers,
> Mike

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