On 04.05.2015 06:09 AM, Robert Dinse wrote:
>       I posted here a while back about an issue with keyboard translation
> with MacOS 10.10.3, it worked fine on my sons computer but not on a customers
> with the same OS.
>       I went to the customers premise today and from his machine logged in as
> myself and the keyboard worked properly, logged in as him and it did not.
>       We narrowed it down to his having /bin/csh as the shell on the Ubuntu
> 14.04 server and I /bin/ksh.  Changing his shell to ksh resolved the
> translation issue.
>       However, from a Ubuntu 14.10 Linux workstation, it is fine to have csh
> as the shell on the server, it only breaks if originating from a MacOS
> workstation.
>       Any idea why it would matter what login shell is used if originating
> from a mac but not from Linux?

Yes: x2goclient runs a periodical xmodmap command to synchronize the OS X
keyboard settings with the remote side.

You should not ever use something other than bash with X2Go. Seriously.


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