Yes, I understand that.  It's more complex on the development side,
but from an end users standpoint people want things to "just work", and not
have to change their whole way of doing things for one application.  It's
like the work on supporting compositing desktops, it's going to be a complex
nitemare but more and more distributions are going to that so sooner or later
it will need to be done or the software will become obsolete.

Looking far into the future, much faster speeds are going to become more widely available, Google is providing gigabit service in some cities, Comcrap, er, Comcast, is rolling out 2 gigabit service in some locations (here they can't even get 20mbit to work reliably), and when that becomes more widely available, people are going to want full 3-d accelerated graphics remotely for everything from 3d modelling applications, 3d medical imaging, virtual reality, gaming.

     I'm wondering how to handle it from a server side, a bunch of GPUs tied
together, it's going to require some significant computational power.

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On Tue, 5 May 2015, Mihai Moldovan wrote:

Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 03:28:01 +0200
From: Mihai Moldovan <>
To: Robert Dinse <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Keyboard Translation Mac/OS

On 05.05.2015 03:09 AM, Robert Dinse wrote:
       For what it's worth it might be better to make it dependent upon
/bin/sh rather than bash.  It must only need those facilities since it
works with different supersets of /bin/sh, and /bin/sh is ubiquitous,
where as bash may not be present on some more anitique Unixes (though it
will compile on anything, I've even got it compiled on an antique Sun SS-10
running SunOS 4.1.4)

In general, yes, but I honestly don't know if X2Go Client is not by any chance
issuing commands non-POSIX-sh-compatible. I'll have to very carefully asses this
prior to switching to /bin/sh.

Also, this *will* make quoting more complicated, which is probably the initial
reason it wasn't implemented this way.

/bin/sh -c 'commands "here shall NOT use single quotes"; or '"'"else"'"


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