Am 16.01.19 um 16:39 schrieb John Stoffel:
> What's the trick to force the x2goclient to start a NEW session on the
> same host?  For some reason, it's just automatically resuming, and not
> giving me the option to select between different sessions.

If you have only one suspended session, and it has the same connection
options as the one you requested during reconnect, the default is to
auto-reconnect. The only exception to this rule is Published Application
mode, where you will always see the tile with the various options.

Your options to avoid automatic session resuming are:

- run x2goclient with parameter --no-autoresume
- Create a session with slightly different settings, and use that to
  connect (say, windowed instead of fullscreen)
- force-terminate the session on the server, using a regular SSH session
  and the commands x2golistsessions (to find out the session ID) and
  x2goterminate-session SESSIONIDHERE.  The session ID is the second
  column in the pipe-separated output by x2golistsessions.

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
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