An XML:DB "Resource" corresponds to a DOM "Node". The sub-type "XMLResource"
does directly correspond to a DOM Node, and hence supports the DOM Node

Currently it is possible to support simple datatypes via this mechanism as
each of these datatypes has a textual representation, and hence can be
returned via a text node.

One option is for XML:DB to wait until the DOM becomes XML Schema aware and
leverage whatever mechanism DOM decides to convey type information. On the
other hand not every XML:DB implementation will be DOM oriented, e.g. they
might be SAX oriented, and SAX has not yet decided _if_ or how to handle

Our options are roughly:

1) Forget types
2) Wait for DOM and SAX to become type aware (and then implement the type
aware versions)
3) Implement a _simple_ form of _optional_ type awareness in XML:DB

The XML:DB Resource is already most of the way there and with a relatively
small change could easily get there in terms of _being able_ to transmit
types _if the underlying database so desires_

To be clear, the mechanism I propose would allow detailed types to be
transmitted, but would largely allow the database to decide how much type
information to transmit.

The String Resource::getResourceType() currently returns either
"BinaryResource" or "XMLResource". I propose the following change:

class QName {
    String namespace;
    String localName;
    QName(String ns; String ln) {
            namespace = ns;
            localName = ln;

QName getResourceType() // or better getNamedType()

QNames for types:

The two part QName mechanism for naming types is flexible, conforms to the
XML Schema mechanism for naming types and is consistent with XML itself.

We need to name a basic set of predefined types.

The simple/atomic types are named by XML Schema e.g

xsd:integer xsd:string xsd:boolean

which correspond to:

QName(, "integer") etc.

We may choose to name types given the XQuery Formalism e.g.

{, "AnyComplexType"}

corresponding to the current "XMLResource"

Given this mechanism I propose the following interface to represent
simple/atomic datatypes **as also defined by the java.lang package*:

interface SimpleTypeResource extends Resource {
    Integer getInteger();
    Float getFloat();
    Double getDouble();
    Long getLong();
    Short getShort();
    Boolean getBoolean();
    String getString();
    java.util.Date getDate();
    void setInteger() ...

In order to implement _unnamed types_ e.g. those that might be specified by
a fragment of XML Schema or RELAXNG, another method is needed (such types
are not explicitly assigned a QName)

Resource getUnnamedType()

were the type specification may be returned as a DOM Node or series of SAX
events (the XML representation of the type). A reason to change the current

getResourceType => getTypeName() is to eliminate confusion with a Resource
being used to specify a type (this will undoubtedly be a future issue).

So to recap, this simple type interface can be implemented on current XML:DB
implementations by replacing

getResourceType() => "XMLResource" with
getTypeName() => {xsd:anyType}


getResourceType() => "BinaryType" with
getTypeName() => {, "binary"}

This is hence trivial to implement on top of current implementations, yet
provides the extensibility that will be highly valuable in future XML
database work.


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