
After working with and promoting the use of XDG Base Directory
Standard for some time (e.g. http://rubyworks.github.com/xdg), I found
it useful for certain projects to generalize the whole idea of
`.local`. In other works I look at `~/.local` as the per-user
reflection of the system wide `/usr` directory (or `/usr/local` if you
prefer). In this way I've been able to use `~/.local`, for example, as
a place for per-user installation of packages, where-by `.local`
contains more than just a `share` directory.

Also, this generalization was of a realization for me that really made
XDG base directory standard click for me.

I thought I would share this, as I have not seen anyone mention it
before. Maybe this was the intention of .local all along? If not,
maybe it could be useful for future versions of the standard.
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