
Though I have yet to get any response to my previous email this post is
to get clarification, at least theoretically, how the XSParticle class
needs to handle references to both 'group' and 'attributeGroup' inside
of complexType declarations...

Currently when parsing an XSCompleTypeDefinition object the
getParticles() method returns an array of XSParticle objects.  These
objects can then be queried whether they are XSElementDeclarations or
XSModelGroup by calling getTermType().  If it is an XSModelGroup, it can
be queried further to provide its COMPOSITOR_TYPE, which may be
a *named model group* the XSModelGroup interface appears to not provide
any information.  Nor does the XSParticle interface provide any type
information for the *named model group* referenced.

In light of this it would appear that this is an omission on the part of
(at least) these two interfaces: XSParticle and XSModelGroup.  Shouldn't
XSParticle have a constant for a named model group (i.e.
XSParticle::TERM_NAMED_MODELGROUP) that lets you know that the particle
is a reference to a named model group.  And then XSModelGroup can
provide the type information for that named model group when calling:

XSModelGroup* pMG = pParticle->getModelGroupTerm();

which will then give its namespace and name, etc.?

Currently, besides things not working this way, there is a certain
weirdness to how they do work:  if there is a named model group
referenced inside the complexType then recursively fetching the list of
particles will fetch all the elements from the referenced named model
group, even though none of those elements are particles inside the
complexType.  For example:

ProcessParticle(XSParticle* p)
        if ( term_type == XSParticle:TERM_ELEMENT )
                // process element
        else if ( term_type == XSParticle::TERM_MODELGROUP )
                XSModelGroup* pMG = pParticle->getModelGroupTerm();
                if ( pMG == 0 )

                XSParticleList* pPL = pMG->getParticles();
                if ( pPL == 0 )

                unsigned int nSize = pPL->size();
                for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
                        ProcessParticle( pPL->elementAt(i) );

So what's the design rationale here?  Is this really the way it's
supposed to work?  Frankly, it seems that this breaks the design
paradigm of other PSVI classes because for all other types referenced
from an enclosing type, such as an XSElementDeclaration inside an
XSComplexTypeDefinition, you need to first get the object to then get
its type definition, name, etc.  But here you don't really, and can't
get the XSModelGroup object for the named model group, but you can still
get its contained elements.

So first what's theoretically correct here, and second doesn't this need
to be fixed?

Elisha Berns
tel. (310) 556 - 8332
fax (310) 556 - 2839

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