
Looks like yo're using the code from the SCMPrint
sample program. This is what u can do; when you are in
the XSParticle::TERM_ELEMENT if block (process element
section), you can further check if the element is a
complex type and recursively call ProcessParticle
function again:

XSTypeDefinition *xsTypeDef =
if (xsTypeDef->getTypeCategory() ==
XSComplexTypeDefinition *xsComplexTypeDef =

I am new to Xerces, so there might be a better
solution. Nonetheless, this one works.



--- Elisha Berns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Though I have yet to get any response to my previous
> email this post is
> to get clarification, at least theoretically, how
> the XSParticle class
> needs to handle references to both 'group' and
> 'attributeGroup' inside
> of complexType declarations...
> Currently when parsing an XSCompleTypeDefinition
> object the
> getParticles() method returns an array of XSParticle
> objects.  These
> objects can then be queried whether they are
> XSElementDeclarations or
> XSModelGroup by calling getTermType().  If it is an
> XSModelGroup, it can
> be queried further to provide its COMPOSITOR_TYPE,
> which may be
> COMPOSITOR_ALL.  But if it is
> a *named model group* the XSModelGroup interface
> appears to not provide
> any information.  Nor does the XSParticle interface
> provide any type
> information for the *named model group* referenced.
> In light of this it would appear that this is an
> omission on the part of
> (at least) these two interfaces: XSParticle and
> XSModelGroup.  Shouldn't
> XSParticle have a constant for a named model group
> (i.e.
> XSParticle::TERM_NAMED_MODELGROUP) that lets you
> know that the particle
> is a reference to a named model group.  And then
> XSModelGroup can
> provide the type information for that named model
> group when calling:
> XSModelGroup* pMG = pParticle->getModelGroupTerm();
> pMG->getTypeDeclaration();
> which will then give its namespace and name, etc.?
> Currently, besides things not working this way,
> there is a certain
> weirdness to how they do work:  if there is a named
> model group
> referenced inside the complexType then recursively
> fetching the list of
> particles will fetch all the elements from the
> referenced named model
> group, even though none of those elements are
> particles inside the
> complexType.  For example:
> ProcessParticle(XSParticle* p)
> {
>       if ( term_type == XSParticle:TERM_ELEMENT )
>       {
>               // process element
>       }
>       else if ( term_type == XSParticle::TERM_MODELGROUP
> )
>       {
>               XSModelGroup* pMG =
> pParticle->getModelGroupTerm();
>               if ( pMG == 0 )
>                       return;
>               XSParticleList* pPL = pMG->getParticles();
>               if ( pPL == 0 )
>                       return;
>               unsigned int nSize = pPL->size();
>               for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
>               {
>                       ProcessParticle( pPL->elementAt(i) );
>               }
>       }
> }
> So what's the design rationale here?  Is this really
> the way it's
> supposed to work?  Frankly, it seems that this
> breaks the design
> paradigm of other PSVI classes because for all other
> types referenced
> from an enclosing type, such as an
> XSElementDeclaration inside an
> XSComplexTypeDefinition, you need to first get the
> object to then get
> its type definition, name, etc.  But here you don't
> really, and can't
> get the XSModelGroup object for the named model
> group, but you can still
> get its contained elements.
> So first what's theoretically correct here, and
> second doesn't this need
> to be fixed?
> Elisha Berns
> tel. (310) 556 - 8332
> fax (310) 556 - 2839
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