Am Sun, 25 Sep 2011 12:08:33 +0200 schrieb Zdenek Wagner:

>> On the other hand, I intend to provide a XeTeX back-end for babel
>> in short. I've made some tests and I was able to typeset a document
>> in Russian with babel and a few additional macros. I presume I'll
>> start working by November.

> I could use babel with XeLaTeX without any modification.

Well it depends a lot on the language. There is no problem with
german, but e.g. the babel-ldf for russian contains font encoding
changes absolutly unsuitable for xelatex. The main feature of
polyglossia is that is adapts/adds more or less xetex-sensible
commands to switch fonts when switching to another language which
uses another script.

Ulrike Fischer 

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