Hi All,

For what it is worth I see two roads to follow.

        1) create a glossary for swiss-french

        2) modify the french glossary to accommodate swiss-spacing.

Following 1 has the advantage that it keeps the french glossary clean. Yet, to 
follow this road
causes a problem with maintaining another glossary for a french variant. The 
question then is 
is the difference between french and swiss-french is that great to warrant such 
a move.

Following 2 can increases maintainability, all that would be needed would be a 
command like
\swissspacing@punctionuation model after:
   \XeTeXcharclass `\! \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\? \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\‼ \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\⁇ \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\⁈ \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\⁉ \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\; \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\: \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\« \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\» \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\‹ \z@
   \XeTeXcharclass `\› \z@
This approach is modular and would allow a quick way of switching between the 
two "languages"
If there are more sublimities one could use a command/switch like \swissfrench. 

I believe route 2 is the saneness one to follow.

Am 25.09.2011 um 10:07 schrieb rhin...@postmail.ch:

> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 09:11:55AM +0200, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
>> 2011/9/25 Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.li...@gmail.com>:
>>> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 22:55, Alan Munn wrote:
>>>> On Sep 24, 2011, at 3:34 PM, rhin...@postmail.ch wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>    When typesetting documents in french with polyglossia,
>>>>> a space is added before double punctuation signs (like !:?...).
>>>>> This is normal in french typography used in France. However,
>>>>> here in Switzerland, it is more usual to not use this
>>>>> extra space.
>>> /.../
>>>> There's a command \nofrench@punctuation which turns off all the French 
>>>> related punctuation.
>>> /.../
>>>> So to selectively turn off the special spacing for particular characters, 
>>>> redefine this command by commenting out the lines that correspond to 
>>>> spacing that you wish to keep, and then issue the command to turn of the 
>>>> uncommented ones.
>>> I don't know anything about French in Switzerland, but if such a usage
>>> is common, it makes more sense to add an option to Polyglossia to
>>> switch French spacing off with a package option/language-specific
>>> setting instead of resorting to low level commands.
>> I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
>> no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
>> to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
>> the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
>> learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
>> cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
>> developers in January 2012.
> Hi All,
>     Thanks for replying me with these ideas. I could perhaps
> do a part of the work since I will have a certain amount of time
> until the end of year.
> As far as I know, GIT is not very different from CVS/Subversion
> (the joke about Git is that it is the answer to the question:"who is the boss 
> ?").
> Where the CVS/Subversion repository should be located ?  For me, the choice 
> of 
> a source control system is not a big problem: I can work with all the three.
> I think effectively, that an option to the package could be a nice solution,
> since it is possible that other differences occur. For instance the wording
> could be sometimes different from the french spoken in France
> (like the difference between American an British english).
> What does imply to add an option "romand" (the french speaking part of
> of Switzerland is often called "Romandie") to polyglossia. Should I clone
> the Git repository, do the modifications and hope they will be integrated
> in the main stream ?
> best regards,
> Alain

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